MovieChat Forums > Darren Criss Discussion > Anyone going to New York to see Darren i...

Anyone going to New York to see Darren in the play in January?

I've seen several people post on the Glee message board and on Darren's FB and twitter accounts that they have already purchased tickets to see Darren in 'How To Succeed In Business'.

I would love to go but won't be able to go this time! I'm sure I will spend every day in January trying to read as much as I can about Darren's performances.

I consider myself lucky that I was able to see Darren at Glee Live in Chicago last June and also that I met him before his concert at Six Flags in St Louis in July.

I'm hoping he will do another concert tour or play this summer so I can see him again!

Break a leg, Darren!


I surely intend to rush ticket that place up like woah when he's in it!

I'll be in Texas until Jan 6 when I come back to NY, so I'll be having to catch it more toward the end of his run I think (ETA: nevermind, for some reason I'd been thinking he was starting like end of December-ish, but he's starting Jan 3rd so I'll still be back for pretty early on :)), but luckily I should have plenty of time to do it since I don't start school again until the 16th anyway ^_^ It'll be cold having to wait on line for rush tickets in the dead of winter, but totally worth it!

Oh Bambi, I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy. - Kurt Hummel


Hi Stephlem!

I'm so excited (and jealous!) of you being able to see Darren on Broadway! My daughter was in New York this summer with friends and she rushed the play on Sunday, July 17 and got the last ticket! Her friend's didn't want to go so she saw the play by herself, had to stand the whole time, and loved it!

She was so happy to see Daniel Radcliffe in the play because Harry Potter has been such a huge part of her life for the past 10 years! That was also her first trip to New York and her first Broadway show.

What is so funny is that 4 days later I met Darren at the Six Flags in St. Louis and the next morning was when the announcement was made about Darren doing the play!

Thanks again for the comment and be sure to let me know when you go!

Leslie in Little Rock (Lilly_Nicole)


No.I wish my mom and I could fly or drive to New York City and see HOw To Suceed Without Really Trying.If we could do that then,we'd have a lot of fun.


Sadly not, I live in England unfortunately :s

I wish I caught Glee live because his singing live sounds awesome... Ah well, maybe there will be another concert in the UK soon, and I'll be there! :D

Have fun everyone who is going!



What did he say outside the stage door on opening nigh,after he shushes people?I think he thanked people for coming to the play,but didn't hear what else Darren said.I only watched a video of it.I wish my mom & I could see it before january 23rd or twenty second.


He is just as hot live. lol
