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100% true! his acting is soooo forced, so fake! and the writters are giving him so much attention. Glee is losing quality. Naya Rivera, Heather Morris and Lea Michele are the ones who keep this show alive. Haters gonna hate this!


Now, even as a huge fan of Darren's I certainly wouldn't deny that some of his acting in Glee season 2 was a little bit on the stiff side. I've never thought he was a bad actor, but sure, it wasn't anything award worthy either and I think it was his sheer charisma that really made him fun to watch.

But this season I DO think he's gotten legitimately very good. Maybe not quite up there with the best actors on the show just yet (Chris, Lea, Naya, Cory, and obviously Jane), but imo he's getting there. I thought he was really lovely in The First Time in particular, great again in Hold On To Sixteen, and absolutely kept up with Chris and Lea in the totally slapstick, camp comedy of the black and white Christmas special.

And honestly I think anyone who still thinks he's "SOOO horrible" at this point is delusional. By any standards, I don't see how his acting this season could be considered horrible. Maybe still not quite up to award-worthy standard just yet, but it's by no means horrible. And I think, if given some really good material, he just well MIGHT be able to reach similar status to the top tier of actors on the show. I think part of the reason he didn't come across quite as well in season 2 was simply because the dialogue itself he had to work with was awkward a lot of times.

Oh and also "no talent" my ass. Even acting aside (which, again, I think he's gotten quite good), the guy has more musical talent in his pinky than most people have in their whole bodies. Not that his songwriting/composing/musicianship skills have been put to use on the show, but that doesn't mean they don't count.

Oh Bambi, I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy. - Kurt Hummel


Yup, sorry, still not gonna suddenly think Darren is a terrible actor, because he's not. Not even close- especially with comedy (but again, I feel he's grown a lot as an actor over all lately).

And I find it funny that you include Heather in there, because Heather is a LOT more limited as an actress than Darren. Don't get me wrong, I love her and think she's an incredible dancer, has fantastic charisma, and is great with the one liners. But aside from one liners, she really doesn't have much acting skill at all imo. Darren, especially recently, is a lot more dynamic acting wise.

And yes, I've watched most of the other shows you listed. And enjoy them. Doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to think Glee or its cast or Darren are terrible. Because they're not. Glee as a show makes me happy and I think Darren is extremely talented, and yes, a very good actor to boot. Get over it, and find something better to do than to come on his board just to try and convince people he's so horrible.

Oh Bambi, I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy. - Kurt Hummel


I think Darren does a fine job ... there are a lot of worse actors out there who get much bigger parts. Even Will Smith was undeniably bad when he first started.

Anyway, my real point here is...

If part of your response is going to be that this is IMDB, so it's about acting and not singing ... well, let me point out that IMDB is Internet MOVIE Database, which -- by your logic -- means we should only be discussing movies, and not television.

Point is, since Glee is a show that is clearly about singing, it should be expected that singing and even dancing will be discussed. Darren was surely chosen due to his singing ability more than his acting, and there are many many many cases, dating all the way back to Elvis and even before that, where good singers were given acting gigs when they clearly weren't very good at it. Of course, Darren isn't famous like Elvis or Justin Timberlake, or WIll Smith ... but when you're talking about a show that is very much about music, you definitely want a guy who can sing ... it's much easier, for the most part, to teach a non-actor how to act than a non-singer how to sing. At least so it's passable.

I do like how you simply listed a bunch of popular comedies. You should throw other stuff in there, like the fantastic acting on It's Always Sunny (Kaitlin Olson should be up for an Emmy, right along with Tina Fey). Or how about Arrested Development. Or something else that isn't in the top ten. Maybe YOU should be watching more television.

And I especially like how you mention The Big Bang Theory. When that show started, the girl on that show was pretty darn bad ... and got better as the show went on. You might say she was the Darren Criss of CBS.
