2 Things...

Or 3 or 4... I just wanna come a be pissy all over his boards because I can, it's the internet and therefore I have freedom of speech, for now...

I love how Darren gets a wee bit of fame and all of a sudden there's a ton of fans wanting to hump him and jumping on the StarKid bandwagon. I'm all for sharing the love, but I don't want all these crazy Darren fans all over my StarKid. Not to mention, this kid is not even close to the most talented one there. Not even close. Nor is he the most attractive.

So, go watch Glee and Eastwick all you want and keep your grubby little fingers off the keys that will type that lovely YouTube channel in your address bars and shove off...

Joe Walker is superior. Joey Richter, also superior. Lauren Lopez, superior. Joe Moses = superior. Tyler Brunsman, WAY WAY WAY more superior and WAY WAY WAY hotter. Dylan Saunders, Superior... and hot. If anyone deserves the fame it's these overlooked few.

I'm not talking to the people who've been with teamstarkid since before this *beep* hit. I just had to say something b/c it's gross the way the other talents in the cast are overlooked. And... Darren is all over my Tumblr dashboard... it's quite annoying.

So yeah, I'm in a rage... and I've raged. Go on about you day. Move along. Nothing to see here.

"Don't go into the Shrieking Shack. I'm a werewolf in there." - AVPS!Lupin


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If you were a true Starkid fan, you would be happy for Darren. You would also welcome new fans with open arms.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe Joey or any other starkid doesn't want tv fame? Joey said in an interview he wants to stick with theatre.

Sheesh. I hate when people get all obsessive and say "no one can like this because I liked it before it was popular".


1. Yes, it's hard to watch something you love and have loved form the get go become mindlessly popular, but it's not that bad. They won't love it like we love it.

2. Perhaps he was the only one out of the cast who wanted to be on Glee? You can't honestly be mad that he is on it, and Joe/Joey/Lauren are not.


Agreed, I love everyone on Starkid and they are all way more talented than the Glee Cast combined (or, in my opinion that is). Darren auditioned for this role and saying that he doesn't deserve the attention he's getting is a little mean, isn't it? It's not like he became an overnight sensation and he isn't a talentless hack so I don't see why that's such a big deal.

I haven't seen any "claimed" starkidfans, which I'm glad about since I do see what you're saying that it is annoying when people do that. But it's good for their theater company if they have more people to put shows for so there is an upside to the craziness.

I'm definitely looking forward to Darren's episode and any other future projects the Starkids have :D February 2011, anyone?

"Take this you b*stard! ALOHOMORA!"
-door opens-


I know I'm going to get *beep* for saying this, but I totally agree with you. Darren is most definitely not the best from the AVPM, AVPS cycle. He in fact annoyed me so much in AVPM, that I was hesitant to watch AVPS. Thank god for the redeeming actors, Joey, Joe and Lauren. They were incredible. I don't care if they don't want TV fame. Don't give it to someone who is considerably less talented than the three aforementioned people.

Team Starkid for the win.


I'm sure that's not true. Any Potter fan who gives it a chance will adore it beyond adoration as I have. It's still extremely esoteric. Love it the way you have? You're being incredibly immature, idiotic, and creepy. Mindlessly popular? What does that even mean? AVPS & AVPM were meant to be viewed and enjoyed by people. The stars, sorry to say, don't care who stumbled upon them first. If it had a million views before you found it, would you love it any less? Exactly.

I met Cinderella once... she's actually kind of a bitch.


Considerably less talented? Glee is a show about singing, and Darren was one of the best, if not the best, singer in AVPM/S. How did he annoy you?


Okay, this many months later, but...

"You're being incredible immature, idiotic, and creepy." WHAT?! Because I said, "They won't love it like we love it." How could you possible tell from eight words all of these things you have accused me of.

What I mean is, it's a different experience when you watch AVPM the day it is uploaded onto YouTube, you watch Darren grow as an actor, and then you see him on shows like Eastwick and Glee, than if you see him on Glee and then watch Starkid.

And how can you backlash me like this when what the OP has said is considerable worse. You must be Cinderella, because you kind of sounds like a bitch.

Wonder Bread
