Thank You

I'm happy to report that the r/antiwork subreddit is now gone due to this clusterfuck of an interview.


Nah, there's something to be said for those who oppose wage labor as slave labor.

And I say that as a corporate guy who loves my job.

We need to change this system.

This Watters guy is a bloviating idiot.


I'm all for changing the system and drastically increasing the minimum wage, but most of the shit on the sub is either fake or not based in reality. And yeah, no fan of Watters, but the fallout from the interview was hilarious.


Okay, lol. And that person was not the best rep for the cause. But the subreddit was closed over this?


This happened a year ago and turned out to only be temporary.


Youtoob comment:

Jeff Sokol 11 months ago

As someone who occasionally followed Antiwork, this interview has hilariously ended an entire movement. Their credibility is destroyed and it’s rather glorious. People on the subreddit often made great points about workers rights, unfair employment practices, and worker to CEO compensation. But this interview will be the only thing I think about when I go the subreddit. Laziness is a virtue philosophy of the dog walking philosopher. My gawd, you couldn’t have done worse.
