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I changed his height Chace is 6'0 if Don Johnson is 5'11 and Chace is taller.

Chace said in interviews he's 6'0 so I believe him.


I changed his height Chace is 6'0 if Don Johnson is 5'11 and Chace is taller.

And you're basing this off of what?

Chace said in interviews he's 6'0 so I believe him.

Celebrities (and lots of others) lie about their heights all the time. Some wear lifts in their shoes to make them appear a couple of inches taller.

He can say he's 6' all he wants but all you really need to do, is just look at the visible evidence.

Personally, I think the listing given in the link I provided is being a little generous. I don't think Chace is over 5'10". Sorry. Look at the pics provided by other users in the link.

Respect what you have 🌌


Here's other sites that say that Chace is 6'0"

I Christopher Chace Crawford With All Of My Heart & Soul..


Yes, and? He's also listed as being 6' here, as well. I'm sure there are plenty of other sites that list him as being 6' because they're either going by what he tells them (and like I said, many celebs lie about their heights) or they got that listing from other sites.

If he's 6', then cool. Good for him but I've seen numerous pics that prove otherwise.


It's really not a huge deal. There's only a 2" difference. That's not much at all.

Respect what you have 🌌
