MovieChat Forums > Dave Franco Discussion > Franco as 'Christian Grey'

Franco as 'Christian Grey'

So I just saw NOW YOU SEE ME and can't believe how obsessed I was/am with the movie. More importantly how slick the ensemble cast were. Then I got to thinking about FIFTY SHADES OF GREY out of the blue and for no reason I thought of Dave Franco as Christian Grey.

I thought it'd be cool to have him play Christian Grey. He's hot, sexy, charming and looks to die for. I'm sure the ladies would agree.


he's too short


true dat. his bbrother would be better for the part


Isnt Grey supposed to be older?


Well, from the small amount that I read of that terrible mess, Grey is like 27 and I do think Dave is older than the character. I think it's his baby face that makes him look younger than he is.

But no, I don't agree, OP it shouldn't be made at all but it's happening.


I don't blame you I listened to some on an audiobook and still couldnt finish it. It was horrid.
