MovieChat Forums > Hannah Marks Discussion > My best friend's name is Hannah Marks!!

My best friend's name is Hannah Marks!!

WOAh! Thats so weird! This girl has the same name as my best friend! I was just google-ing people and this came up! My Hannah Marks was born in 1992, so she's older than this girl (born in 93). And my Hannah Marks is awesome and a Harry Potter fan (so am I) and lives in New Orleans. This Hannah Marks is some rich actress kid who lives in California *blegh eek cough*


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That's cool =). But this Hannah is awesome too =)


shut up....

hannah marks from LA is one of the coolest people i know


You know her?? Thats sooooo weird


lol my name is Hannah Marks too! I was born in 1990 so a bit older than both and I live in the UK! I emailed this Hannah (the famous one) ages ago because we had the same name, and I had no idea she would get so famous! Hi to the other Hannah Marks too, lets face it, it's the coolest name to have!


haha and i also met a girl named hannah marks that i thought was this hannah marks for like a second. but she is a year older than her. and like a lot taller.
