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I don't usually post on individual performers' boards, but I happened to land here and was surprised to see this oddly negative thread. The only extant reply is from the OP him-/herself.

OP, I think that every single assertion in your post is wrong, but it's difficult to rebut each one specifically because they all seem to presuppose intimate familiarity with Mia Wasikowska that I'm sure you don't have, nor do I. Let me simply suggest that you watch Lawless, a film in which Mia has only a small part -- just a handful of scenes -- but is as "likeable" as any actor possibly could be. Playing a preacher's daughter who is being courted by a young, up-and-coming bootlegger, she is sweet and shy, but with enough spirit and independence of mind to be captivating. Her character provides a much needed dollop of honey in otherwise violent, astringent story. Mia also helps improve Shia LaBeouf's performance, because whatever his supposed limitations as an actor, he gives a convincing portrayal of a man intoxicated by love whenever he gazes at Mia.

Also, for those who complain that Mia is dull and shows no emotion, she smiles most of the time she's on-screen in this film, and it's quite beguiling.


Opinions differ and mine is the opposite of yours. From my perspective, she's very 'likeable' and appears humble too.
