MovieChat Forums > Riz Ahmed Discussion > Played the dumb SoCal loser perfectly

Played the dumb SoCal loser perfectly

He was great in Night Crawler. Can't believe he is from England he sounds and acts just like the surfer dude slacker who isn't that bright you find in LA to perfection. His accent was perfect I thought he really was from SoCal.


Yea he did a great job. Him and gyllenhal had pretty good chemistry.


"SoCal" has some the highest property values in the country. Those "losers" can somehow afford 700K minimum crap shacks :(


Agreed. Nightcrawler was the first role I saw Riz in and I knew he was going places, especially once I discovered he was British. I grew up in L.A. and have met so many simpleton guys over the years that sound just like he did in that movie - he completely nailed it. Great acting!


LOL lots of slacker losers in Socal I know since I have lived there that couch surf and live off mommy and daddy their whole lives. If you think everybody, especially young men, in Socal is rocking a 700k house and driving a Lexus than you don't know anything about Socal. Just like Manhattan NY I see bums on the street there every time I am there and it's some of the most expensive property in the world. Also did you watch the movie? The guy is desperate for a job and makes 50 bucks a night or whatever he isn't some rich kid looking for kicks.
