MovieChat Forums > Riz Ahmed Discussion > The NIght of, The OA, Nightcrawler, Rogu...

The NIght of, The OA, Nightcrawler, Rogue One...

My man's gettin some great gigs here...


I know right? About time.


Unfortunately, Riz has ruined his amazing track record of appearing in important films and well written TV series, he's appearing in the first episode of "Girls" final season. What was he thinking?!

Hopefully, there won't be a sex scene between Riz and Lena Dunham!


Hopefully there won't be a sex scene between anyone and Lena Dunham...ever. Neither on camera or off. That thing needs to be quarantined.


Hopefully there won't be a sex scene between anyone and Lena Dunham...ever. Neither on camera or off. That thing needs to be quarantined Thank You! 

Actually she's already had way too many sex scenes on her series...with actors who were way beyond her physical equal...Patrick Wilson for example, that one episode had to be her character's fantasy. Now Riz?! I guess when it's your series, you can definitely choose the hot actors you want to do sex scenes with! 

I don't get Dunham's career at all, especially compared to someone like Riz, a person who has studied his craft and has actual talent. Dunham is one note, she definitely cannot act.

I was hoping someone with the level of talent Riz possesses, that he'd definitely be one actor who would not be buying into the Lena D. Kool-Aid and the general hype surrounding this woman.

I read in the January VOGUE, there is a scene in the GIRLS final season's first ep....where Lena's Hannah character exposes herself to Riz's character, Lena was 'directing' the scene.

Sure hope this scene doesn't go beyond exposure and there's no sex scene or any sort of physicality whatsoever. My eyes will fall out! 
