
Amazing how transformative an actor he is. Now playing a surf instructor:). Going to miss this message board:(


Amazing how transformative an actor he is. Now playing a surf instructor:). Going to miss this message board:( Riz was amazing on GIRLS final season's premiere episode. The sex scenes were hilarious.

Riz shoving most of his hand into Hannah's mouth is not something I will soon forget. Their scenes were some of the most awkward and hilarious sex scenes ever committed to film. Riz being able to keep a straight face, proves what a great actor he is.

The scenes were LOL hysterical and not sexy in the least, which I assume, was Lena D's intention.

Riz lifting Hannah up was also quite funny, I was expecting him to fall backwards.

At least Naz...finally got to The Beach..!!! 


So true! They were pretty funny. He went from playing this seemingly innocent guy in The Night Of and then to this guy that's go with the flow, in an open relationship. Sooo different!


Never heard of that show.


You need to see that show it's amazing he's acting is amazing and that it was on HBO
