He also looks like

I think he's a great actor, very handsome. And he also looks a little like actor Paul Francis ( Tears of the sun, Play Dead ) Check out Paul's IMDb site, you'll see what I mean. They could be related.


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A little bit like james franco imo


I did the IMDB for that Paul guy, and I didn't see it. I didn't think he looked exactly like, but could be the brother of Eric Dane from Grey's Anatomy.


Well, I do think he looks like Paul. But when you said Eric Dane, you're right. Taylor is a mix between the two if you ask me.


My husband and I keep seeing mannerisms and even overalls looks of Paul Walker. Especially in the eyes.


I told a friend they should make him McSteamy's lil brother on Grey's Anatomy! But truthfully it was for selfish reasons so I could see more of his gorgeousness on my tv again.
