You can't search for Jamie Dornan on any Social media now!! This nasty Fifty fans are everywhere to hate on him and his family & friends. You don't like him as Grey fine(I can't stand fifty) but what his wife and kids have to do with it?? Get a hobby crazy adolescent and old grannies. Let us enjoy his career.


I agree..YouTube is horrible...lots of videos of "Damie"..."in love...should divorce his wife...should marry each other...ugly wife...ugly kids"..Jamie said in an interview during the summer,that he was going off social media, because of the terrible things that were being said about his wife and kids and their family life.


Oh I saw that interview too. Social Media is disgusting place. I just want to search about his projects and how he is appreciated in his work but I had to stop it because of all the hate against his family. Some people have no morals and ethics.


It seems to be that if you are hiding behind your computer, no need for a filter...would these same posters say it to someone's face?...I doubt it on Jimmy Kimmels show, when "stars" read their own troll messages...I mean really rude and nasty comments...but they still read them..check it out on YouTube..


Being nasty give meaning to their lives.
