MovieChat Forums > Katharine McPhee Discussion > Don't think her marriage is gonna last t...

Don't think her marriage is gonna last too long :-(

I feel bad saying that since she's such a nice person but to be realistic, the chances are insanely low. The man is 19 YEARS older then her, he could pass for her father in some places. It's not just the fact of 19 years but the difference in mindset, yes women are like 5 years more mature then men, but that still has him at 14 years more mature then her in his mind. When she might want to go to a party or dancing, he might run the risk of backs trying to keep up at dancing with a girl in her 20s when he's in 40s.

I just find it sad, cause she might just be wasting these years with him and when they both figure out that there is too big a difference, they'll both need to start over again. I mean at 40, this is the time he might want kids, if ever, and she's still trying to make a big name for herself and become a star throught music and/or film.

I'm not saying it won't work, but in less they love each other so much that he'd be willing to wait even longer or hang out with younger people all the time and/or she's willing to have a kid(s) (so he'll least live long enough to see his kids finish high school) in his mid-late 20s and neither will let their lives get in the way of their marriage then it could work, but I highly doubt it. It's not like they've known each other for the years it takes to know how far a couple are willing to go to stay together.

I say within 6 years or less...maybe by the she's 30 and really sees his 50 year age come into full affect, they'll be split. Though, maybe they'll split lot sooner or late later-never, I don't know but I wouldn't bet past 6 years if that. BUT, 6 years still isn't bad for a couple with the age difference like that and with one being a part of Hollywood
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing


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This is hilarious, do U think
anyone cares? Doubtful. LOL.
Nick, has a secret love aid and only Mcphee
has access to, as Mcphee stated, Nick is
her little greek God.

Such a pity talking about her love
life, subject should be about her
future revised musicl direction.
Oldies but goodies on hot AC.

With David Foster at the helm, Mcphee
is targeting the silver haired seniors of
of our grandmas generation.


Hey, Saber. Wanna bet? Everybody's so damn scared she's going to turn into Celine Dion, maybe she can have the same kind of marriage--age disparity but otherwise seemingly quite happy.

Oh, bookie, give it up. You would love to have McPhee's looks, career, money, anything. C'mon, admit it. Well, okay, maybe you don't want her husband... which is okay, because i'm sure he's quite happy right where he is. Heh heh...


Don't forget to mention Shania Twain's husband too... Shania still loves her even he's far older than her...
(and now they're divorced)

"Happy Wife = Happy Life (Still, keep her away from your pocket)"


Yes, if being carefree is a sign of maturity then you have hit the nail on its head. Your logic is flawed. Not everyone matures at the same rate. Not every at 20 years old will mature the same as everyone else. I used to like McPhee, but not really sure of her new image now. Oh well. At least she got marry an old man at least once in her life. Shame on that guy for pursuing her while she was under age. I can't really fault him considering how he loks, but did she really have to lower her standards. She is after all Katharine McPhee, a future star/celebrity/tabloid fodder.


I should be noodlewhipped for boosting this back up to the top,but I just have to add that they met when she was 21, I believe, which is hardly "underage." That is all.


Honey, that was never about love. These marriages never are.
