MovieChat Forums > Xavier Samuel Discussion > He was THE BEST in Eclipse

He was THE BEST in Eclipse

Taylor and Robert who...this guy is a great actor and played Riley PERFECTLY! He MUST get a best villian award because he rocked Riley's character...that scene when he mocked and intimidated Bree...when he went to fight Edward...everything, every scene he stole. A shame he is killed off really.

Ihope this leads to more roles for him, he is great!


OMG I agree!! I see now why he was cast, he can look sweet but at the same time evil! :)


I completely agree, im not a fan of the twilight series but was dragged along with some friends and i found myself enjoying every scene he was in, he was the best part of the movie!

Vampires don't sparkle in the sun, they burn!


I'm also not a Twilight fan, but I have to admit that i got pulled in because of him alone. His character in Eclipse (Riley) was mesmerizing especially after you read the book Bree Tanner :D


i am a twihard haha, and i am also a south australian :)

and i thought that Xavier stole the show!! He was amazing, and i can't wait to see the great things he'll be doing next!

Jon Groff


I agree. Twihard here and am still a Team Riley.
I mean I like being in denial sense he Didn't seem to die/burn in the movie.
I am now an Xavier fan because of this and love his acting!

Love all vampires, sparkle and burn alike.
Cirque Du Freak FTW
Team Riley


Same. After seeing him in the Eclipse trailer, I decided to give Twilight another shot. He was he is in every film. Unrealistically gorgeous and a talented actor.


There's a lot of things to hate with the Twilight films but at least another good aussie actor is getting exposure in Hollywood. He was the most decent actor of the lot, imo, worth seeing Eclipse for.
