MovieChat Forums > Dianna Agron Discussion > She has a wholesome style

She has a wholesome style

Anyone recognize that this girl has a rather homely style? I'm using homely in the sense as stuff you'd wear at home not ugly. She just strikes me as an old soul in a contemporary body. I love her simple cotton dress that you would find young women wear in the 80s that are wholesome and proper rather than the outfits females wear today that leave nothing to the imagination. From her wardrobe to her makeup or lack thereof. Very refreshing to see someone pretty like her not prostitute herself out in Hollywood.


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I would actually say her style is very classic.

She always dressed with just the right amound of accessories and knows when and when not to have her hair up or down. And like you said, her makeup is always incredibly appropriate for the events she goes to.

She has an All-American look which is not necessarily glamourous but sweet.

She looks her age and doesn't try to look older, which is what many young woman of today have issues with.



Well stated.


Agreed, Dianna = Class.

More of young Hollywood should strive to be like her.


She has great style.


It kind of blew me away that she practiced dancing at a strip club anonymously preparing for a role in Bare coming up.


I don't know how wearing a dress makes you "wholesome".

Also, "females"? Seriously?
