The new Naevia

How do you Spartacus fans feel about her taking Leslie-Ann Brandt's place? I'm going to miss Brandt, but I hope Robinson can be just as good and captivating.


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The only thing I've seen her in was Colombiana. It was a small part but she did well. I'm sure she'll do a good job in Spartacus too.


I hope she brings more fire to the Naevia character, her pictures on the site look promising.

"Make him do it again..." Ilithyia


I loved the original, but she seems like a fine replacement.


Sorry, but I just don't think she holds a candle to Leslie-Ann Brandt's beauty. Not that she's bad, though ... I'm sure I'll get used to her; I'm just very disappointed in Brandt's decision. I'm sure many lucrative offers would have awaited Brandt after she'd completed her obligations to Spartacus.


I see you're only concerned with the physical aspect of the casting...


I surmise that you meant to write, "I assume you're concerned only with the physical aspect of the casting," since you have no basis to so infer. I am, however, concerned with the physical aspect of the casting. I am allowed to be so concerned and care about other aspects of the casting at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive.


You'll get over it.
