Commander Shepard?

I'm not sure if they're still making a mass effect movie, but if they are, would Stephen Amwell be a good choice to portray Commander Shepard? I mean, he has the looks and he's Canadian like Mike Meer, but I haven't seem him act. For those of you who have seen him act and are familiar with Mass Effect and Shepard, do you think he could pull off the role of Commander Shepard?


"Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici."


It would be radically different from Meers; personally I think I'd like it better but Meer's Shep has never really worked for me so, you know, biased base line.


I think he would do a great job.

"You can't have my heart."



BTW- He'd be perfect for the role.

"You can't have my heart."


I see were you're going with him, But I think he's too much of a pretty boy. I mean don't get me wrong, He's a good actor in Arrow, but He doesn't seem umm, 'mature'?? enough? I hope I chose the right word.


That's why they're called umm, 'Actors"?? Who he is in real life shouldn't dictate who he plays.

Is he an archer in real life?

Exactly. (Or maybe he is). Regardless of the fact. He looks the part so I wouldn't be surprised if he's a top contender.

"In Beverly Hills... they don't throw their garbage away. They make it into television shows."


Yes I agree, but I think of Shep as an older, mature character. This guys is too young IMO. Like Chris O'Donnell back in 95.


I don't know, dude. Mark Vanderloo, the male model's face they used for default male Shep, is really pretty too?

I admit, after watching "Arrow", Amell is on my short list for male Shep dream casting. Amell is every bit as bad ass on "Arrow" as I'd expect male Shepard to be. Unfortunately, I'm not confident that "Mass Effect" film adaptation will even be worth taking time off "Arrow" to do. They've switched the screenwriters 3 or 4 times already. That's not a good sign. :(

Also thanks to "Arrow" (it's the hood he always wears), I keep dream-casting Amell as an assassin in "Assassin's Creed", specifically Edward Kenway in AC: Black Flag.


According to a producer the movie not coming out for at least 5 0r 6 years,so maybe stephen will be the right age
