MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > I love parts of the bible I agree with a...

I love parts of the bible I agree with and ignore the inconvenient parts!

the whole love thy neighbour and golden rule thing are great! it totally gives me a sense of moral superiority to act like im following some sort of unique and innovative religion even though most of the things like the golden rule and ten commandments are not only part of human social nature but had long before been set out in other cultures!

But when im not telling others how they just aren't "open" to my feeling and faith based religion. I love cherry picking parts I dislike and that would be inconvenient to life as a moral person. like one of the commandments that tells me to put to death anyone who blasphemes! or the parts about not eating shellfish or wearing clothes of more than one material! those would just be soooo inconvenient to follow and I personally dislike them

Or the plethora of pro slavery passages in both the new and old testament. Those parts are fairly inconvenient to my life. and since following them would make me a reprehensible person I just choose to ignore them! while also simultaneously claiming god is the ultimate law giver and all humans should follow him and his rules.

I get the best of both worlds this way! follow the passages I like. ignore the ones I dont. claim others who ignore god go to hell. but then claim I can just ask for forgiveness when I die and all is forgiven! yayyyyy loopholes!! yay me!


Makes perfect sense. But as for those parts of the Bible we don't like, all you've got to do is read another page or two and they are usually contradicted, anyway!


so what your re saying is not only can I cherry pick? I can also simultaneously support my position based off one part of the bible, then change my position nd use the very same bible to argue the exact opposite point!? genius! I love the bible even more now!




I have to admit that I'm guilty of that. I often say "In the beginning...". I ignore everything after that except for 3 words (which are randomly scattered in the rest of the book): "Thou art great."


I am sure there is a special place in hell for cherry pickers 🙂


They're lumped in with the fornicators.


no christian follows the bible fully. it'd be impossible


It is called "double standards". They are well known for it and practice it on a daily basis.


also cognitive dissonance.


It is not possible to blindly follow a book, that contains a number of scriptures from the Antiquity.
That is not double standards, but just common sense.


...and yet all the blind followers say otherwise.

"Religion" and "common sense" are a contradiction.

Double standards is just another word for "two-faced" or "hypocritical", and yes every religious person I have met, even the nicest ones have practiced double standards from their scriptures as they choose when/how/where they conveniently apply those standards to themselves and a different one for others.


I guess depends what your definition of "blindly follow" is. Here is one that I agree with

"if you obey or support someone blindly, you do it without thinking for yourself whether what you are doing is right."

I think this would apply to a lot of religious people. and even if they did "think about it for themselves" I would hardly say "cause I have faith" as a good reason.

faith is the excuse people give for believing something when they don't have evidence.


I like how you can suddenly say the Pope is a fake Pope when it was appointed or is a messenger of God if you don't like what the Pope says.


I don't believe you.


Instead of doing that, why don't you just quit Christianity and make your own religion or identify as religionless? This is what I did.
