MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > if god created everything and you

if god created everything and you

since he is the maker of the universe down to every fine detail. and is omniscient and omnipresent. Then there is no possible way you could ever have any free will. Since he created you in the way he wanted knowing every single thing you would ever do or think.

meaning god created Hitler knowing he would do all those terrible things and every single child abuser. It doesn't seem to make any sense...


Attempting to make any religion, including Christianity, fit into a rational mold is a waste of intellectual effort. It can't be done. It doesn't help that the Bible contradicts itself on nearly every other page. The good news is you don't need it. Here's all you need to know: don't hurt people, and keep your hands off their stuff.


agreed. humanism provides a good enough moral framework to create a functioning society. hell you dont even need to go that far, the morality of social species works fine enough. If you had a time machine you could ask Hammurabi





About 30AD


what a load of nonsense.

since you seem to not understand math. lets do some to show how "impossible" things re without god.

the average male will produce roughly 525 billion sperm cells over a lifetime. a woman only ovulates and creates about 300-400 eggs. and there are roughly 7 billion humans.

meaning the chances your parents got together, and that you were that sperm and that egg are

500 000 000 000 x 7 000 000 000 x 400=
a 1 in 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 chance. that's impossible!!!!! babies could never be born!! look at those odds! it must be god!



no because mines based on reality. yours is based on not only a misunderstanding of basic science and facts, but the pseudo fake mathematics of "chance" that you religious tools love to use.

go yet at people on street corners. that's about as intelligent as you sound with this post


"Mathematically it is incapable to be calculated. We would know of that as infinity

calculate the odds that your parents got together, and that you of all the sperms were the one. you nether understand math nor odds nor the Big Bang.

you just spouted off more religious nonsense that exposes your own ignorance. good job.

"I have stated MY case. There is nothing more for me to add. "

yes like all sad religious preachers. make others listen to your nonsense rant. run away before you have to face facts. good job, christianity suits you



"Im not a preacher, I have never forced my beliefs on anybody. You dont even know me.
I dont consider myself a particularly religious person and I espouse no particular religious denomination or philosophy. "

then you cant possibly know what you believe in, what god is, what his attributes are and arent, what he is capable and what he has or hasn't done! so why re you here saying what is impossible and isnt and that god must have done these things?

"believe in God and it is my American right to do so, at least for now. Some seek to take that right away. Im not ashamed of my beliefs. I dont force others to believe as I do. I simply present my viewpoints and let others decide for themselves."

omg shut up seriously. the classic religious victim. you should be ashamed. you dont eve understand basic science and come off as an incredibly stupid person.

"You chose to lower me to some lesser status of humanity because of my beliefs.
That doesnt speak well for you."

yes because I exposed your ignorance ive lowered you to a lesser status of humanity. is this more self projecting because you guys tell everyone who doesnt follow your beliefs they burn in hell?

you are so incredibly dumb it hurts.



"maintain decency" and yet I still have the facts, science and math on my side.

While you have fallacies and nonsense. that's all that matters in the end. I dont need to even try and take you down because your own ignorance of basic reality takes yourself down.

so how were you born if the odds were very roughly a 1 in 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 chance!!!! how is any baby born!!!!

I love when ignorant religitards expose themselves


"I dont understand it therefore god"



"The opposite thought of intelligent design is based on the fact that things simply lined up properly and what we have today is the result of a very lucky happenstance. "

what does luck have to do with anything? educate yourself

"Happenstance is generally translated the mathematical odds for the likelihood of the ov such an event actually taking place. We may say the likelihood of something happening as part of a random process and one in a million. "

cool story

"Kook and the absolute sheer and utter complexity of human life and the very idea that is even IS alive and functioning. What do you think is the mathematical odds of this taking place WITHOUT some sort of intelligent higher power intervention?"

how did you calculate the odds WITH A HIGHER POWER? you shut made that up in your head. "it seems unlikely therefore god". first fallacy. check out my odds you were born calculation below to see what happens when you try and use odds to sound intelligence. you sound

"Mathematically it is incapable to be calculated. We would know of that as infinity"

this is not true

"That goes far beyond the realm of impossible. "

you dont know everything that is and isnt possible. you keep imposing your own ignorance on others and claiming what is and isnt possible, what can be calculated and what does and doesnt need a god.


"To deny the possibility of his existence seems completely irrational to me.
Now go and start working out the mathematical odds of spontaneous life and creation suddenly erupting from nothing and get back to me with that. "

the double whammy fail! so now gods a male. which you know. and now life is spontaneous! hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

you have no case. you have fallacy after fallacy followed by ignorant statement followed by fallacy after fallacy.

I feel bad for you



"You have already demeaned me and lowered my to a lesser status of humanity.

stop being the whiny victim for once. tis truly pathetic

"You seem very frustrated in your beliefs and a need to maintain them at all costs.

see you are confusing me with someone religious and self projecting. my beliefs have changed as new information has been discovered. meanwhile you are describing the beliefs of the religious that do not or barely change and self projecting them on me. Nice try though :)

"On my side I am comfortable in my own beliefs and I force them on nobody.

who have I forced my beliefs on? im sorry I showed that your beliefs are total nonsense. im sorry that threatens you snowflake.

"Whats there to be uncomfortable about?"

who is uncomfortable? you said objectively wrong false things. I corrected them.

"You have not extended the same courtesy here. What else can I say. "

yes when you spread easily to verify falsehoods I call you on them. you dont get respect for spreading misinformation

"I still leave with my pride and decency intact.
What do you leave with, if you chose to leave?"

being right, being correct, not spreading falsehoods. not believing in delusions. not having to constantly be the victim snowflake. not whining and crying nonstop.

you left with nothing. you came spreading falsehoods and being misinformed, you left the same way. you left with a false sense of superiority while in fact you whined and cried and didn't actually argue the point. as soon as challenged you went into full fledged victim mode



Of course you will continue and claim victory over me.

again more whining.

I am a free thinker. I dont ascribe to any specific religious doctrine. I see problems with many of them. I AM a christian and make no apologies for that. I am at peace with what I believe. I allow people to hold their own views as long as they dont take away my right to mine. I impose my views on nobody. Some religions do and I dont like it. I simply offer my views without obligation or bias.

which version of christianity? the various sects disagree and contradict eachother on key issues. again amazing that you happen the born into the "correct and true" religion. LOOLLL a "free thinker" who believes a 2000 year old book has all the answers and claims a god is an all knowing law giver. sure you are

I DO NOT ascribe to a specific political ideology. There is corruption on both sides. I chose based on who and what I think is right for the job. I DO tend to lean Republican but again I dont hold to this when I can see they are corrupting our American way of life.

of course you do. you like Dinesh d'souza and whined anyone would dare talk about politics and politically attack him. im noticing a trend. whine whine whine, cry cry play the victim, have moral outrage. rinse and repeat.

i NEVER align myself with hard left.

so another christian who never read the bible I guess. skipped all the parts about Jesus saying the wealthy cant get into heaven and they should give up all their possessions and help the poor. typical most Christians dont know their own bible.

/blockquote>I OFFER my thoughts on things and respect peoples right to think differently. That is until such a time that they chose to rob me of my right to an opinion. This I will defend if I am attacked

yes you've said this multiple times now we get it. your re a whiny crybaby with a victim siege mentality.

A person who is attacked is a victim of the attack. So I guess I am a victim here.

I know you are snowflake. its all you have. you have an incessant need to be the victim and cry about it. perceive non existent repression


You have come here and painted me with your dirty filthy brush and tried to convince others that its the REAL ME. Just who is holding the dirty brush here.

no ive exposed lies and misconceptions you ave spread. when I did you cry about being the victim. its "heads I win tails you lose". its a strategy of the weak minded

You have left behind a cyber legacy of you own making.

yes I exposed yet another fool who doesnt know simple things. oh know how horrible LOL. typical Christians. "how dare you expose my ignorance!! im under attack!

Those of your own disgusting ilk will possibly side with you. Those who are free thinkers will examine this and will likely come to a different conclusion. Again there is no need for them to agree with my stated OPINION.

you seem to consistently confuse your sad ignorant fact free posts with "free thinking. they arent you delusional turd. you seem to work under a few delusions firstly "if I repeat something enough its true". secondly "anything I believe no matter how ignorant is having an open mind, anyone who calls me out for it doesn't have an open mind"

you are not only wrong but seemingly not intelligent.

I still leave here with my dignity and respect that I have conducted myself in a calm way that is consistent with my beliefs and have not degraded anyone except one who has degraded me
There is really nothing else to say.

no you've left looking like a poorly educated fool because that's what you are. just like in your Dinesh post.


I look at it this way. We all have free will and every single person was born into sin. God gave us the ability to make our own choices and our life on earth is a big test. Our decisions we make are between right and wrong. Hitler failed his test miserably and I doubt he made it to Heaven....


Do you somehow feel happier in your tiny insignificant life for manufacturing such an entity as "god"?


Surely not as happy as you when you call other people's lifes as tiny and insignificant as yours...

Not a native English speaker


I'm not picking on the OP, but EVERYONE's life is tiny and insignificant, if one is taking about the entirety of the UNIVERSE.

True, everyone's like is also RARE and PRECIOUS, but that's just the positive side of it.


The only possibility I can come up with about the free will thing is that being omnipotent, God made himself blind to the future concerning what people would do. I suppose if he exists and is all powerful, he could do that.

As for people talking about the unlikeliness of life on Earth starting randomly because so many factors must come together and all conditions must be perfect and stable for such a long period etc, well the only place people could be around to ponder such a question would be a place that fit all those criteria. And considering the sheer number of stars in each galaxy and the number of galaxies, it doesn't seem as unlikely anymore.


I get such a kick out of you guys who are too smart for God!! 🤣
