MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > What's he doing now????

What's he doing now????

Seems like a pretty good guy. Haven't seen him act in to much lately. I do know he has a good sense of humor since he voiced his cartoon self on Family Guy...



You don’t need to smoke in heaven. You don’t think all that white mist floating around is really clouds, do you? Up there , you just stroll through a perpetual haze of weed smoke. It is heaven after all.


If you want a serious answer, personally (not a Christian), I believe that, after death, either you get reincarnated or (if you're ready) ascend to Heaven, where you can do whatever fulfills you for eternity. So, theoretically, he might still be in this world. Hell he might even be you or me.


Good.....I want eternity to be my present..
Over and over again. Live life like it's new forever....πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€


Well if Grace Kelly went to heaven when she died I can make a pretty good guess.


