MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > Why does the picture of Jesus Christ her...

Why does the picture of Jesus Christ here look like....

...a white guy with long hair? Yes, a lot of the Old Masters painted Him that way, but that was because they mistook "Nazarene" [person from Nazareth] for "Nazarite" [person who took a vow to, among other things, grow one's hair out long; Samson was a Nazarite].

I guess I shouldn't expect MovieChat to get it right any more than Hollywood or those Duck Dynasty guys.....


Wouldn't Jesus have looked like an Arab ? The original Jews were just another tribe of Arabs after all.


Semitic race, you mean. Both count Abraham as their common ancestor.


Well there's no such thing as the Semitic race apparently. The original Hebrews ( not the Ashkenazi ) are genetically very close to the Arabs so I've read. In their mythology they say they are descended from Shem ( from which the term Semitic derives ) a son of Noah.


Arabs are considered Semites; Jews are considered Semites. From Wikipedia: "The children of Shem were Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram, in addition to daughters. Abraham, the patriarch of the Hebrews and Arabs, was one of the descendants of Arphaxad. Islamic literature describes Shem as one of the believing sons of Noah."

Isaac, the "son of the promise," was Abraham's son by Sarah. Ishmael was Abraham's son by Hagar, Sarah's maid.

But back to the original question, Jesus would have had much darker skin and hair, and His hair would have been short, in keeping with Jewish custom. Only those who'd taken the vow of the Nazarite let their hair grow long, ala Samson.


It's IMDb, not MC. Anyone know what movie it's from?


Did IMDb have a "Jesus Christ" board? They had a Philosophy and Religion board after The Passion of the Christ board had its famous "purge," but I didn't know they had a "Jesus Christ" board. And why would that actor look like a painting? If it's anything, it'd be a documentary. And confusing "Nazarene" and "Nazarite" would show you the quality of the documentary, if that's what it is....


This name on Imdb would have been created in 2015 for a documentary. I think it's a mistake in the cast list. Anyone can submit public photos, these don't come from the documentary.

Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery.
Adam Bond ... Jesus 12 episodes, 2015-2017
Jesus Christ ... Self 2 episodes, 2015


The Italian city states innovated the forgotten art of portrait drawing and painting from the ancient world so when Christianity became the dominant religion in Europe it emboldened the wealthy merchant class to sponsor artists who could create works of art praised by the Church elite and other wealthy counterparts. Since they weren't using Semitic peoples as a foundation for artistic rendering they relied on Northern Italian men and boys, so in essence the standard white Jesus we see even today is based on that look.


And besides, they were big on the Crusades, where they killed Arabs and Jews.


Not to sound trite, but in many ways modern Christianity is a European misappropriation of Semitic culture LOL


Modern Christianity, as she is usually practiced in America, is like the worst of pop culture mixed with Christian-ish platitudes. It's a country club with a few Christian overtones and meetings on Sunday mornings that are like rock concerts. Since it bears little resemblance to the Christianity described by Christ, Paul and the other Apostles in the Bible, they spiritualize a lot, and explain away the rest with, "That was then, this is now." And apparently there isn't a seminary that teaches from a C.I. Scoffield Bible, so they get Law and Grace hopelessly mixed.


People of the Middle East are Caucasian; Jesus was "a white guy". There is no reason to assume he could not have looked much as he has always been depicted by artists. Light skin, relatively straight hair, and moderately sized noses are and were just as common in that part of the world as darker skin, kinky hair, and large noses.
