MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > Did Paul " The Apostle " really invent C...

Did Paul " The Apostle " really invent Christianity ?

Paul was a Jew and it seems to me he was about making a watered down version of the Judaic religion available to the Gentiles. And Paul was said to have been executed in Rome around 62AD which is about ten years before the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans.

It was after the Temple was destroyed that the Gospels were written and Paul had no hand in that. So it would seem to me that it was the writers of the Gospels who invented Christianity although Paul got the ball rolling in the first place.


No, he didn't. But he did write most of the Church Epistles, telling people how to organize Christian churches, behave in them, and how to behave in their daily lives. The churches that pay attention to that are loosely termed "New Testament Churches" because they are organized according to New Testament principles.


Interesting. There is a great deal easily available about Jesus but not so much about Paul.


There's gobs in the Bible. He studied under Gamaliel, was a strict Pharisee, tribe of Benjamin, I believe, and had all kinds of hair-raising adventures!


Ah well there's a problem. Generally scholars are of the opinion that only seven of the thirteen epistles were written by Paul and the other six were falsely presented as having been written by him.


I naturally disagree with that, but even if you take just seven of the epistles, you've got a lot. Plus most of what was written about Paul was written by Dr. Luke. I'm sure you'll tell me that was written by someone else, too. That's okay. Believe what you want. That's what Free Will is for.


Can you explain why you think Christianity is a "watered down" version of Judaism?


No I can't because I didn't say that Christianity was a watered down version of Judaism. Better luck next time.

reply seems to me he was about making a watered down version of the Judaic religion available to the Gentiles.


Are you stupid or just looking for an argument ?

" a watered down version of the Judaic religion "


The Judaic religion isn´t Judaism now?


What !?


Good ol stonewall quasi.


Feel better now moron ?


I can see why you create so many Jesus threads, you really need him in your life because you're insufferable.


Still pretending to be a Christian I see.


Yeah answeringyour questions about Christianity while being constantlyinsulted by you. Such pretending...


It's your fake persona not mine.


When you convert I will still praise God.


The Gospels are actually pretty ideologically different from Paul's letters. I don't know that the authors of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John even read Paul's letters. Paul is hung up on circumcision, the Gospels/Jesus do not at all talk about circumcision. Which I'm glad Jesus doesn't, lol.

Paul emphasizes on there being "grace" in the Christian religion, but Jesus says in Matthew to try to be perfect and righteous in everything that you do, to go even further than the Torah. Matthew chapters 5-7.


Back in Medieval Europe, where people did not know shit, secular authorities and clergy could even write 300 years worth of fictional events (

It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that the whole Bible was written in the medieval for the popehood to be established and, therefore, all persons mentioned in this book are fictional.
