looks so old

You can't even tell in Murder Mystery that he and Aniston are 10 years apart.


Old? He's 40.

This was Orson Welles in Touch of Evil, same age

Sean Connery, in James Bond, same age

He doesn't look old. He looks his age. He's just not trying to keep looking like a teenager being 40.


People aged faster in the past.

Look at how Ryan Gosling looks for comparison.


I wonder if they really looked older or they dressed and behaved accordingly to what was considered appropriate for their age group. Because maybe those age group rules have changed. 40 year olds now, probably don't behave, dress and groom like they did in say, the fifties.


To keep it honest, SC looked 60 when he was 40. Luckily after that and until his retirement he stopped aging any further. Like completely. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Connery didn't stop aging. It was James Dean the one who stopped aging after his retirement.


I don't agree. Some men look ancient when they're 40, others still have a bit of a boyish look. Luke Evans looks 40. Also, j.a. does look old imo. She keeps having more stuff put into her face and starts to look more and more like an angry men.


I don't know where you see "angry man" there, but she looks better at age 50 than many women do at 30.



Look, you don't see it? The angry man look? I think it has something to do with procedures to the upper half of her face


That's not about procedures in the upper half. That's just body language. If you're depressed and you try to smile, that usually feels fake since your mouth smiles but your eyes don't. Look at the eyes, they don't seem happy at all.


Honestly this picture only proves that Aniston has aged amazingly. She looks very youthful.
Lisa Kudrow aged by far the worst of the three of them. I mean, I realize that she is also the oldest, but she doesn't look good for her age either.


IMHO he looks older and more wrinkled than the average forty-year-old white man, which is to say, twice as old as the average forty-year-old botoxed-and-facelifted actor.

I wonder if he's lying about his age? Lots of actors do.


I think he drinks. He has the look of someone who drinks.
