MovieChat Forums > Rami Malek Discussion > This kid is blowing me away!

This kid is blowing me away!

I haven't been this impressed with someones skills or used the word "genius" in regards to an actor in so long that I had almost forgotten what it looked like. He's just plain amazing. Now the pessimist in me is pretty much convinced that hes going to die young. Probably a drug overdose. Sigh.

**I dont need no stinkin' signature**


Don't give up on him yet; he seems to be very grounded and matter-of-fact about the business he's in. In interviews, he usually comes across as humble and really grateful for the opportunities he's had so far - takes the work very seriously, but not a "tortured artist" type. He also apparently has a large, close-knit family that keeps him down-to-earth. Of course, we'll have to wait and see, but my money's on him having a long, successful career (touching wood).


Well, he's nearly 35 and been in this business his whole adult life so it's not like he's some young guy suddenly hit with stardom on his first project... And if you watch interviews with him he is REALLY sweet and endearing (watch the SAG GG interview where he's standing in a hotel room or something talking to a woman with her hair in her face). So I don't think there's much to worry about but of course we never know.


Like River Phoenix?

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
