MovieChat Forums > Matt Lanter Discussion > Height and weight?

Height and weight?

Can someone tell me if they know what his height and weight are? The reason I ask is because his bio says he played football in high school and i'm highly skeptical about that. he doesn't look like he could have been some football player, most of whom weigh at least 6 feet and at least 200+ pounds.


He Cant possibly be 6 feet, When you see him next to Geena Davis she towers over him and she is 6 foot exacly. I think Catlin Wach was like 5 foot 8 so he must be around 5 foot 8 or 5 foot 9


I was close hes 5 foot 10 and weight 168lb it tells you on his profile on the manhunt site

Hope that helps


Most HS football players are at least 6-0 and 200 lbs or bigger? Where are you from? Land of the Giants?


what is his screen name on manhunt since u seen it ?


LOL... you whore!!! Not, the Manhunt show.


lol land of the giants......


yeah...maybe professionally, but not in high school. my high school didnt even have enough people who meet that description to fill a whole team.


lol 6 feet tall
whoever says that needs to go back to highschool
