MovieChat Forums > Paula Patton Discussion > Is there a worse actress getting so many...

Is there a worse actress getting so many roles?

Watching 2 guns right now. Woman is an absolute smoke show no doubt. But her looks are a distraction to what a train wreck her acting is. How does she continue to get cast?


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If Jessica Alba can keep getting roles then Paula can.


Terrible acting. The squeaky voice and doofy facial expressions make it a struggle to sit through an entire movie.


She was pretty bad in 2 Guns, but I remember liking her in M:I 4, so maybe it just had to do with the character she was playing? idk


Are you joking? Believable? She is bad in every role she's in. Sin City is probably her best role and that's only because the dialogue isn't entirely serious.


Jessica Alba is hot as hell but she can't act to save her life unless she is playing eyecandy, I have seen most of the things shes in,there is also January Jones and Alexis Bledel

i am fire i am death


@destinataire Alba's ass can act, but the rest of her, not so much.
