MovieChat Forums > Ariel Winter Discussion > A mature point of view on Ariel

A mature point of view on Ariel

OK, let's try this here. I'm sure I'll get shredded, but let's roll.

First off, the elephant in the room - the reduction. I'm of two minds here - the male and the mature. The male: like any red blooded male who likes curvy ladies, it's sad to see a decision like this made, regardless of the reasons. Granted, it's pigheaded and immature, but guys do have certain ideas that they would like a woman to fulfill physically and, speaking for myself, Ariel checks a lot of those boxes.

OK, that's the testosterone done talking, now let's get real.

Clearly, for health and emotional reasons, this needed to be done for Ariel. At the end of the day, the Greek chorus doesn't matter a lick if you are in physical pain or just sick of the remarks. And don't kid yourself for one minute if you think it's just guys ogling. Girls can be just as cutting and judgmental, her age or younger especially so. For every guy gazing or every rude comment, there just as easily could have been a girl who either felt threatened or jealous by what she had (and actually still has) and would have their own ways of making it known. Ariel was just frankly stuck and she made a choice to make herself happy and give herself the freedom to be herself.

So now what? Well, Modern Family will keep going for a while, so she's got job security. The only mistake she has really made, and maybe life and the show's schedule prevented this, is she hasn't branched out. She really hasn't made a big starring role movie in a long time, so she has no footprint beyond television. That could change, but if Modern Family ended this year, she'd have some work to do to get caught up and establish what kind of an actress she is, what roles she can really play.

For anyone who accuses me of white knighting or something else here, let's be clear - a guy like me might as well be dreaming of an astronaut right now, the odds would be better of doing that then getting with Ariel. It's a type thing, as well as being completely unrealistic. But I thought an honest mature opinion couldn't hurt here. For my part, I'll keep admiring from the sidelines, hoping things work out and that after all she has been through, especially in the last six years or so, she's finally in a good place that makes herself happy. That's the only person in the world she owes a damn thing to really.


Yea no *beep*


Why would "white knighting" be a bad thing, like that's really supposed to be some kind of insult?? Is it like being accused of "promoting the gay agenda" just because you're not homophobic and think gay people should be treated like people? It's literally nobody's choice what Ariel does with her body. She wasn't put on this earth for people to approve of her breasts.

I'm not talking about the OP, but it's crazy how so many grown ass men are saying they're disappointed in a 17 year old girl because she's less of a sex icon to them now when they barely understand how her body works.

With the amount of people acting like she reduced to a small size, when a D is still big. For reference, Jessica Simpson used to sing about having double Ds. And the amount of people calling her superficial, when they really wanted her to keep her old size for superficial reasons, with no empathy at all for any physical pain she might endure.


White knighting is seen as a bad thing because it implies you're rushing to the defense of a female in the selfish hope of getting something from her or earning brownie points from other females. It's basically seen as being disingenuous for the purposes of manipulating the opposite sex.

What seems crazy to me, is the idea that we are somehow ignorant of how the human body works, when you're advocated for a completely unnecessary surgery on a child who hasn't even had the opportunity to finish growing into her body yet. She's not even done with puberty yet.

And whose to say we don't empathize with her pain? We just acknowledge that there are ways to effectively alleviate that pain that don't involve mutilating yourself.


She wants to become an attorney, so she's probably not so concerned about her acting career.


you're rushing to the defense of a female in the selfish hope of getting something from her or earning brownie points from other females.You're making an assumption that the only reason someone would want to defend her choice is because they think they're going to get sex from her. 

I've seen evidence to the contrary. The people that think this was the worst decision ever are the ones that wanted to have sex her  Some of her fanboys are completely in love with her and seriously believe they're going to meet her one day. I told someone on here a while back that they don't have to worry if her breasts have scars post-surgery, because Ariel isn't going to show him her breasts. And he replied to me in all seriousness saying he will see them one day because they're going to be together one day, so Ariel was being inconsiderate towards him.

In comparison, the men who don't care if she got a reduction are detached from this situation because realistically they know that it's her life, not theirs.

Second of all, a lot of people defending her are women.

A girl wrote on these boards a while back saying she was the same size as Ariel and had the same issues with back pain, and everyone on the boards completely ignored her. Instead of acknowledging what that poster said, some stupid bro wrote something like "I tested it out myself by wearing water balloons inside a bra, and it didn't hurt my back, so obviously Ariel is lying." Come on! An actual girl is telling you how it felt for her physically, and you think water balloons are the freakin same? And then you have all these guys saying Ariel and Sofia were the same proportions, and Sofia didn't have problems so Ariel was obviously lying. Um, no they weren't the same proportions. Sofia is taller. It makes a difference. It *is* a complete ignorance to how a woman's body works. There's a freakin thread here saying "RIP Boobies 1998 to 2015" as if she had boobs when she was an INFANT.

I posted a link explaining how there's minimal scarring after this surgery. Mutilation my foot. Ariel doesn't give a crap about minimal scars that only SHE can see. If Ariel chooses to give birth to children, her body will be covered in stretch mark scars worse than those incisions. Like full on lashes. Should she check in with you guys to get permission before she gets pregnant, just in case you don't like the way it looks?


EWWW creepy OLD men taking about a teen girl's body! Mind your damn business, delusional old man. A young woman wouldn't look at your saggy ass & balls!
