High Life

High Life has an industry screening at end of July. It's safe to say that they are quite done with the post-production, or at least the first cut. Wondering when will be the release date, and not sure of US distribution either. Shoreline did get sign the film up this year in Cannes, but I'm not entirely sure if they just representing it for sales or if they actually are distributing it in US. If anyone can clear that up for me, would be great. And while nothing is known yet in terms of timeline (I'm still very hopeful for TIFF in Sept), let me just start drumming up some interest in here.


Sorry, but in the dark as well. Praying for a national rlease once distributions happen.

Did you hear about the reaction to it after the screening?

Last movie I watched:The Dark Knight
"I don't question your existence."~God


No, what was the reaction?

Joe's Angel: Defender
I was there 1st!
Strawberry Gusher


I heard it drew raves. But it's such casual comment that I won't put too much meaning on it. I'm quite hesitant to draw any impression at such early stage.


Understandable. Because since it's so early coming out and getting it's first screenings and once they hear reactions there could still be reshoots or extra filming if they think it needs something more.
Like Fanboys for example. 2 fricken years, and it's still not out. Because Weinstein had to take control and start buying the distributions rights and make the filmmakers go and reshoot films to change the whole plot of the movie. He needs to just sit back in his little stupid chair and have mild heart attacks while eating his burgers and stay out of Kyle's and everyone else involved with the film, and let them make their movie!!!

Last movie I watched:The Dark Knight
"I don't question your existence."~God


Ya, Studios are like that, they paid so much money so they want films to be done using a money making formula, to hell with artistic freedom. Didn't that also happen to ATU? Big dispute between the Studio and Julie cos they forced her to cut 30 mins off her original version. There's a shorter version at the beginning of 2007 where the title song was not in the film, was what I heard. God bless Julie for not letting her creative vision be interfered by the Studio, she fought and finally got the original longer version back.

But this, being an independent film, has its advantage. There's no studio watching over the filmmaker's shoulder, plus there's probably not enough budget to do too much re-shoot. Let's hope they are still aiming for this fall to release.


Fanboys is being mutilated way more than ATU allegedly was. The original plot was that Linus was dying of cancer and they were going to steal a copy of the new Star Wars film(the movie is set in 1998) then Weinstein thought that the cancer plot would be "uncomfortable" with movie goers and wanted that out of the picture. So it's like taking away the heart. Not just a few scenes but the whole feel of the film. Now it just makes the guys look selfish not being able to wait when in the beginning they're taking the copy so their friend can see the movie before he passes. I hate Weinstein.

...Rant over.

That's good then. I think that's why indie films are having so much success, because it's how they were originally to be seen.

Yes, cross my fingers for the fall.

Last movie I watched:The Dark Knight
"I don't question your existence."~God


Argh! That's ridiculous! I hate when movie makers underestimate their audience!

Joe's Angel: Defender
I was there 1st!
Strawberry Gusher


High Life not in TIFF lineup. Oh well, I was hoping it will be so we don't have to wait any longer since TIFF is only 2 weeks away. Hopefully, we'll hear some release news for this one soon.
