MovieChat Forums > Joe Anderson Discussion > He should play Kurt Cobain

He should play Kurt Cobain

Does anyone else think so? I thought so when I was watching Across the Universe. I love it when he sings "Happiness Is A Warm Gun."


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Another one?
Isnt this like the 30th thread on this?

I really dont think he should play Kurt, a typical typecast right there.



I hope no one offers him something like that.


Agreed! on these:
- that I LOVE the part he sings Happiness is the Warm Gun (my absolute favorite in the film)
- that there's already +30 threads about the Kurt Cobain thing
- that he should NOT play Kurt Cobain even if he gets the offer

Ok, to be fair, that 30 other threads regarding Cobain already dropped since everything before Sept 30 were no longer there . D**n, we lost some good ones like interviews and the discussions of the movie Control and other stuffs. But it's great to not to see the Cobain things so often.


that I LOVE the part he sings Happiness is the Warm Gun (my absolute favorite in the film)

AGREED. My fav too!

Of course he is similar to Kurt-looks wise..even voice wise a little
and he COULD play Kurt and do a great job imo but i dunno...

Jacob Black can imprint on me


Yes, no doubt about that.
But I wouldn't like him to be stereotyped in these roles (Control, The 27 club)


i'm more convinced that he'd have been perfect in "last days" (gus van sant), the guy they picked was horrible.
and its not typecasting/stereotyping when you're perfect for a part


Well, typecast = to cast repeatedly in the same kind of role.
If one isn't perfect for that kind of role (with the appropriate physique & manner) then he won't likely be repeatedly casted to the same kind of role that doesn't fit him, don't you think? Would Joe ever be typecasted as a superhero? don't think so. No offense to Joe, but he has to bulk up at least 30lbs to be transform into any kind of superhero, I would think.

I just think that Joe would prefer to be casted in a variety of roles instead of just 1 kind (the troubled rock star kind to be exact). He is a talented actor, he can be convincing in roles other than a rock star.
