MovieChat Forums > Joe Anderson Discussion > This Breaking Dawn thing isn't for real,...

This Breaking Dawn thing isn't for real, is it?

I will support this guy in whatever he does, but I'm really hoping that his part in Breaking Dawn is just a rumor. He's a legitimately good actor and belongs nowhere near that crap.

'To be Irish is to know that in the end the world will break your heart"


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Could not agree more. I will not see his performance in this movie. Such a shame.


That may be true, but it doesn't hurt to get a major boost via the obvious PR-Circus these Twilight films will gather once they get started and a guy like him could certainly benefit from it despite the fact they're awful movies.

"I think I'll just stay here awhile. Enjoy the sunrise." Michael (DOTD)


Yeah, I agree. If I were a friend of family member, I'd be so excited for him. But as a fan, I just wish he would be a bit more picky. Can't say I wouldn't do the same in his shoes, though.

'To be Irish is to know that in the end the world will break your heart"


The Twilight series is really bad. I did try to watch a couple, the first one is blah and the 2nd one is awfully boring. I don't really know how many of them they still comes up with. Anyway, as a fan, I do wish Joe won't go anywhere near it. But maybe he does need it. I hate to admit but I do feel that his career stalls a little. He has too many indies that he did great, but those don't get him anywhere cos no one gets to see them. Even "The Crazies", which everyone agrees he was fantastic in it, but a genre movie that has limited audiences, still not an ideal vehicle to get his name out there. So if it has to be this, I guess Twilight is alright then. Eventhough I'm not even sure if this is worth it, since they have so many characters and just the newbies' list is as long as the remaining casts of the previous one (that's how I feel anyway). I just don't know if anyone will be able to stand out from such crowded cast, since I can't imagine any new additions will have much screen time when you have to fit in so many of them while you probably will still see the main characters 95% of the screen time.


I agree with your post 100% I just always felt like Joe was really good about selecting solid roles in consistently cool movies, with the exception of Amelia and maybe the ruins. I'm not unhappy that he's in a blockbuster, quite the contrary, but like you said, its a pretty bad one and with the excess of tween star power, i doubt he'll get much screen time at all.

'To be Irish is to know that in the end the world will break your heart"


^^ Hahaha! Twilight well acted my ass!
