MovieChat Forums > Amber Heard Discussion > Why didn't more women side with Amber ov...

Why didn't more women side with Amber over Depp?

Is it because Amber is so far out of bounds(throwing heavy items, lying, screaming OR because Depp is so popular/loveable?


Because women are jealous of her.



Typical. Scratch a simp, and you'll find a staunch misogynist.

Men who simp fora minority of blonde, conventionally pretty, white women, are usually the BIGGEST MISOGYNISTS in the world. Likewise, rich and conventionally pretty white feminists usually despise women of other ethnicities/races, and those who don't meet a certain income level.


Hilarious how your kind can turn anything into a white-bashing party. Such a brave stance in 2023. Collect your woke points at the door.


Because women are jealous of her turd laying ability.



Everybody does that so why would women be jealous?


Not everybody does that like she does.
Thank God!


As I recall, initially they did. Depp lost his career there for a while. Jack Sparrow was dropped from any future Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and Depp was replaced as Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts franchise. Heard's claims were taken seriously for a while there, and it did real damage to Depp's reputation.

Then, as more of the truth came out, Heard began to look more and more like she was totally unhinged, and most women, I suspect, will not side with a woman for no other reason than that they both have no Y chromosome in their DNA. When the man begins to look more like he is the aggrieved party in the matter, fair-minded people of either sex are going to support him instead of the woman they see as his abuser.


Great analysis Darren.

I don't mind that many people instinctively take the side of the woman in these cases (no-one wants to make the mistake of doubting a potential victim), but they still need to do further digging and investigation to ensure that their assumptions (i.e. that the man beat the woman) are correct, and if the *evidence* proves otherwise, the DECENT and HONOURABLE thing is to no longer side with the 'alleged' victim.


Same reason black people didn't believe Jussie Smollet. They know bullshit when they hear it.


Explain OJ


Honestly, I think the black community, just like everyone else, knew that OJ was guilty. they just ''wanted a win'' after the whole Rodney King debacle & other shit that was happening at the time.





It was the police corruption in the OJ case that likely threw it for them. Whatever feelings they had about OJ, and at the time, it still hadn't fully registered with many people what an utter POS he was, the Black community's understandable contempt for the LAPD outweighed them. Basically they were saying "We're tired of your corruption and racism, so any case you have against a Black person better be 100% watertight."


But if they looked into Rodney King instead of eating the line the media was feeding them they would have known that was a bogus scandal as well.


The truth doesn't matter when it comes to mob mentality. Social media has really unveiled just how stupid the average person is. How gullible. How willing they are to believe whatever someone else tells them.


It looked to me like men and women alike supported whichever one they like best , rather than whichever they thought was guilty .
And not just in this case , many others , like OJ for example

Its scary to think thats probably how jurys work


I used to be an Amber Heard fan, until she married Johnny Depp, and I knew something was going on. Then the divorce, the claims of abuse, the demands for money, the court case, and finally, the evidence swung me completely to the other side.


I didn't side with either one of them because I think they are both shitty people.


I met Johnny Depp very briefly, and he was an absolute gentleman. 🤷‍♂️


Anyone can act a gentleman when they need to. There's a lot in his past which shows that he is capable of anger and violence.



He lashed out like the asshole who tried to move a homeless person on a filmset.

I don't excuse violence, but I can understand lashing out at assholes, including the papparazzi and bigots.


Umm how old are you?

I think she's just as big of a piece of shit. But Depp is no angel and it's gross the way people worship him.


Exactly this!!


Why would they? Women dont side with other people over any reason just because they are women. Its that woke crowd think they are but real people dont do that.

1. No one knows Amber Heard. She was not some popular actress. She was his golddigger with zero star power.

2. Just by looking at her you can see that she is rich privileged pretty face. Women dont like those.

3. Nothing good and sincere about her appearance. All her look screams: "Privileged selfish narcissist who got everything because of her looks"

4. There was no serious allegation. All people saw how they both were slightly pushing each other because they are rich privileged idiots. It wasnt like he beat her up severely or graped. Then women would look otherwise.

5. Most important - he is that young goldigger who slept her way into his bed and forced him to dump his aging partner, mother of his children. And no woman likes it. That was the main reason why no one cares for struggles of mistress basically. She is that evil witch who used her youth and prettiness to steal someone husband. Why would any woman support that person?

Same reason women didnt side with Angelina Jolie. By many she was still looking like a young hot chick who took away Brad from not that great looking Aniston. And then was like: "No, he is baaad and hurting me". They were like: "Well you stole him why complain now. Eat what you stole". And that thing that there were no serious allegations and she took away kids from him for no real reason.
