MovieChat Forums > Amber Heard Discussion > So now she is saying that Depp said he w...

So now she is saying that Depp said he would kill her several times?

Wouldn't surprise me if they actually end up believing her and she just wins this whole thing.


She's full of 💩.


The UK press seem to be on her side for some reason.


The reason they are on her side is that Depp is suing one of the tabloids. If he wins it makes it more likely for other people that they trash in their tabloid to sue them and win, if they can cause him to lose in a case where anyone with half a brain knows she is full of shit then it all but insures no one else will dare sue them no matter what bullshit they print.

Remember this isn't a trial where he is suing her, he is suing a tabloid.


It stinks, anything that puts him in a bad light gets top billing, whilst all her crazy shit gets less tabloid space.


Yes it does... it is just another case of what happens when the press decides to pick a side and ram it down the public's throat. It happens all the time in politics and now we are seeing it start to happen in other areas. Now imagine the press decides to go after you because they decide you are a criminal like Amanda Knox... the press will pretty much paint a picture so dark that your own mother will swear you are guilty and there is nothing to stop them from doing it.. I would like to think that once upon a time the press had some integrity, but the truth is they never have had any from the very start they have always picked an agenda and then pressed it home regardless of whether it was even based on reality.


It makes me wonder how much one sided crap the press got away with before the internet.


The press was much better before internet.

Back then, media was financed by readers. If they gave too much crap to them, readers would stop buying (and paying) those newspapers.

Right now, newspapers and mass media don't sell anymore and keep losing money: they're not financed by readers anymore. They're financed by investors. And why investors want to spend money in loss making companies? Because that allows them to control public opinion.

Remember the old saying: the customer is always right. But be aware that when you read a newspaper on internet, nowadays, you are not the customer anymore. The customer is the investor that pays to maintain that media so it can sell the opinion that serves him best.


Everybody should believe her, the benefit of all of women getting to finally tell the truth and the impact on victims far outweigh the loss of any one man's reputation.


It's sad that masses of people don't understand this. However, everything Amber Heard is saying is true. He is violent when he's under the influence, which is often. He punched a location scout on a film set.

Johnny Depp ruined his own reputation because he's a mess.


She is a liar who cheated on Depp with numerous powerful men like Elon Musk who paid for her lawyers and most likely the smear campaign going on against Depp. There were never any injuries inflicted on Amber Heard by Depp while Depp got his finger cut by her. There is also a recording where Depp says if things get physical they have to separate and Amber Heard responds that she will try to control herself. So fuck off with your believe all women agenda, this is the kind of thinking where a woman can destroy a mans reputation with no evidence needed which is what Amber Heard was counting on.


Doesn’t matter, she will get off from this case with no repercussions and will end up winning and continuing her movie career.


She already has her reputation tainted and I doubt her next target will be as easily seduced considering she is a known cheater, abuser and a liar. She can always find work as a stripper in her strip club as that was always her true calling.


Sorry. If some innocent men's reputations have to take a hit in the process of undoing the patriarchy, that is a price I am absolutely willing to pay.


you are already paying the price..... nobody will ever love you.


You are not undoing the patriarchy that way, Amber Heard is not doing anything new here. She gets involved with powerful men then uses lies and manipulation to get the most out of them. It isn't anything new. Women have been doing this for ages. Unless you look like Amber Heard and are a world class seducer and man eater you have nothing to gain from condoning her actions. She also started as a stripper, she kind of supports the patriarchy with her I give men sex and they give me stuff attitude.


It's so stupid of Depp to pursue this case, he's going to do himself more harm than he could possibly do to the tabloids or his ex.

If you're a public figure whose career depends on public approval, the one thing you never EVER do is give your ex-spouse who is as vicious as a stoat a public forum, in which to talk shit about you. What any competent Hollywood lawyer, manager, publicist, or agent would tell you is to do whatever it takes to get them to sign an iron-clad non-disclosure agreement, whether it's money or threats or starring roles, whatever it takes to keep them quiet for the rest of your career. Instead, Depp's so stupid he's dragged her into court again, and now the whole world has joined her in talking shit about him.


Indeed, I really think Amber Heard will end up winning this whole thing.


She won't lose as much as Depp, but then, she never had as far to fall.

This won't help her career as an actress, unless she is okay with playing a lot of bad girls, and it certainly won't help her with finding a new wealthy husband. She's proven herself to be... indiscreet, which kind of a dealbreaker with the kind of billionaire she seems to be after.


Depp already got cancelled by Disney because of the lies Amber Heard was spreading about him. Then he tried to make a deal with her behind closed doors but she insisted on getting more in the divorce or she would blackmail him by the supposed evidence of him beating her which there was no evidence just her texting her friends who she knew would back her up. Depp insisted on not taking it to court because he had more evidence against her but after she tried to blackmail him he said fuck it, you are not even the person I thought you were and took it to court knowing the truth of the matter was on his side. The only problem is that Elon Musk was one of her lovers and he supplied the lawyers, money and most likely evidence tampering plus he has connection with the British Tabloids. The other problem was the meetoo hysteria and trust all women mindset where a liar like Amber Heard can claim anything with no evidence and gain a lot of popular support. The reason Depp is pursuing is because he believes Amber Heard damaged his reputation, career, finances and mental and physical health and was not willing to be blackmailed by a crazy gold digging stripper.


"hen he tried to make a deal with her behind closed doors but she insisted on getting more in the divorce or she would blackmail him by the supposed evidence of him beating her which there was no evidence just her texting her friends who she knew would back her up...."

You don't get it. If a person wants to work as an actor or in any field that requires public support, YOU MAKE THAT DEAL. You pay up, you buy them off, even if they're a pathological liar who is threatening to accuse you of raping babies on Satan's altar or other things that are not true. You pay whatever it takes to keep them quiet, [italic] because the money spent on silence is an investment in saving your career![italic] And then you stay quiet and they stay quiet, and you kick yourself for having been a damn fool in marrying that trash, and you apply yourself to your career and get paid more for your future efforts than you lost in the divorce. That's how it's supposed to work, that's what any Hollywood lawyer or publicist would advise.

That, of if you simply can't afford an arrangement, you can probably afford a hit man. Because in an ugly divorce, an A-list actor's focus needs to be on saving their career, not on winning a public argument.

Because you see, an actor can't actually win a public argument over their own behavior, what wins the mass audience back is time and silence. The public has short memories and there are a lot of celebrity divorces, they'll forget all about any particular actor's in time, if everyone involved just shut up about it. But no, Depp keeps dragging it all back into the public eye, and what makes the headlines are her statements about him.


Heard already had a public platform. Her accusations got a lot of media attention. She did her best to get him cancelled.

The case has brought attention to a lot of evidence supporting Depp. I don't see how that's a bad thing, even if he loses the case (this kind of case is very difficult to win).

