MovieChat Forums > Amber Heard Discussion > She must DESPISE Depp to betray him righ...

She must DESPISE Depp to betray him right after his Mother died.

Heard has the detached evil in her black heart that one might find in a child trafficker or molester. Her betrayal doesn't even have the slightest bit of humanity in it as it appears to be more of an attack then a divorce.
I never knew who she was in the first place other than the whore in Friday Night Lights but I will definitely stay from anything else her character gives the stank to in the future.


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I hope they separated before his mother passed and were just waiting to file for divorce for her sake... Because if Amber sprung this on him than that's pretty damn cold.


I hope they separated before his mother passed and were just waiting to file for divorce for her sake... Because if Amber sprung this on him than that's pretty damn cold.

I hope so as well otherwise she's just *beep* evil!

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


Any halfway decent person would have waited a few weeks at least if it wasn't already discussed beforehand. Filing for it unexpectedly (if that's the case) is a bitch move for sure


Disgusting scum , any sane man wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole and I seriously wouldn't F her with the next guy's dick. Probably knock her up and have me pay child support while she's getting spousal support from Jonny


In life you get what you pay for my friend. He should have learned this down on jump street, 21 jump street. Marry an angry, bitter, man-hating, man-eating, gold digging lesbo and this is what happens to you. The allegations of her abuse are complete horse pucky, its a load of crud. She is just playing off his past history of erratic behavior and knows that everyone will sympathize with her because she is the poor, innocent victim and he is the tough, bad boy heartthrobe druggie. Her proof is a fabrication and if there were any creedence to it, why is this the first time it happened in 18 months of marriage. In 9 out of 10 cases, there is recidivism, especially with domestic violence. It's pattern like behavior and throw liquor and drugs into the mix and you have a timebomb. She is only doing this because he doesn't want to give her some coin. If it were true, it would have happened before and she would have left his ass then and if it did happen before and she didn't report it, then she is just a moron. The fact that she does this right after his mother passed away just show she has no class, no heart, no decency and no soul. If this were the first incident and it was due to his mom's death, grief, susbtances to kill the pain, etc... and she left him in his darkest hour and greatest time of need, which is just like a typical woman and he hit her for some comment she made or threat or something, its understandable, not excusable or acceptable and certainly not right, he is wrong but its understandable. She is just pissed that he said no dice to her bilking him for some cash and she is doing this for ludacris sympathy, well you have my sympathies Amber, now f$ck off. She is cute, but she is no Kristen Stewart or Teresa Palmer. Johnny you better jump, down on jump street man.


and she left him in his darkest hour and greatest time of need, which is just like a typical woman

Congratulations on being a mysogynistic dickhole.
