The whole thing was incredibly strange. The police saw NO bruises/marks/ etc --- but people now forget that. She didn't press charges at the time but instead continued to post whatever she could on public media. He had people who had known him/lived with him for years, vouching for him, and yet she was the one who was arrested on domestic violence before.The people in the business are vouching for him as well - people who have known him 30 years. Even Terry Gilliam said he had no idea she could act.

She is a known liar (Australia - need I saw more?)

She continually sets him up, showing - "LOOK LOOK how he hurt me" and what do we see? An angry man slamming cupboards. Surely IF he had really hurt her, she would have filmed that in blazing glory and hand delivered it to ALL the medial outlets? And yet, nothing. Because there was nothing.

He never said a bad word about her - he only defended himself through his laywers. . She originally wanted something like 20 mil and 55 thousand a month. Then after being hammered for 7 straight hours by his lawyer, she settles for 7 mil, which she so sweetly (and VERY publically) donates to charity.

She is now with some billionaire. Whats 7 mil, for the court of public opinion, when you trying to say afloat in Hwood, and you have billions at your disposal>

It's too strange, too convienient, and the only reason she is doing this, and so loudly, is to gain acceptance. By the way, Johnny Depp gives and has given to charity for years. Only difference is: you never hear about it. Don't beleive me?

Here is a link:

But now, all that is forgotten because Amber, sweet and loving Amber, why a saint practically, has donated all of "her" money to charity. That some charities will benefit from this is great. However, that aside, her motives wreak of insincerity and hypocrisy and the only thing worse are the naive fools who are
buying into it.


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Exactly also Amber new boy toy treat his previous two wives like crap


I couldn't agree more!

I just wish people would realize that just because you say you're donating it all to charity doesn't make it true! A charitable donation is confidential information so her donation amount and what she pockets will be between her and her attorneys!
Which again is confidential!!!!


Thank you! People are soooo gullible! "Donating it all to charity.... charity thanked her" it's remarkable the crap people will believe if it comes in a form of a PR statement.
