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Amber not getting the last laugh and she the abuser


Johnny, because he perfectly ruined her huge PR stunt.


Cool, but he still ruined her huge PR stunt and most people in the real world are on his side.


You think most people. I was wondering how many people. I tend to think, after reading people's comments on media and etc . Alot or johnny team. Heard surley something.


Sorry I thought you meant her side. My bad.


You're reading Twitter, Twitter is a playground for the Feminazi community and bullies, you need to read Facebook and the other boards who write articles on this subject that allow people to post, they dislike Amber Heard with a passion, they feel she is a joke, a liar and has mocked Domestic Violence. There is nothing this woman can do to save her career.

The bottomline is the Twitter community does not dictate our society, our election has proven that, they're a bunch of internet, millennial, activists who sit behind a keyboard and with some strokes they think they can ruin a man over an accusation. They won't ruin women, just men and her PSA infuriated Men. If you look at the Youtube comments, you will see how the men on there reacted to it. 99% of them reacted with a nasty comment towards her and vile names because they believed her to be the abuser due to her arrest and they, Girl Glaze, never mention it was a PSA nor Men in their campaign except to say they're abusers.

Amber Heard in a word is DONE. It's not because she's a woman, or because she accused a man, or because she's an alleged gold digger, it's because she's a liar and mocked domestic violence, that you cannot do.

Joon:you're out of your tree Sam: it's not my tree 
