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I have not seen anything that shows she was married before.

She could have changed her name for professional reasons, and she wouldn't be the first actress, or actor, to do that.

Even if she had been married before, she also wouldn't be the first actress that kept her first husband's name as her professional name because that was the name people got to know her by.


I didn't mean to come off on challenging you on her previous marriage, I just had not seen it anywhere before.

Sorry if it came across that way.

It's not uncommon for a woman to keep her ex-husbands name after a divorce.

Some keep it because of kids, some because they actually prefer it over their maiden name, and others because it either doesn't matter to them or then don't want to go through the hassle of changing it back.

While she may not be a big star, she has made a name for herself and I would think it's much easier to keep a name others know, then to start from scratch. Just doing a quick count, she has over 30 credits to her name.

Raquel Welch divorced her first husband, of 4, and had only made 1 movie when her divorce was final, yet she kept the name Welch.

I would hope, Ryan is comfortable enough in his relationship with her, that he isn't concerned about her professional name.

I am a hockey fan, but not a Sabs fan. I don't hate them, they are just not my team.


You and I are just going to disagree on this.

It's her professional name. If she didn't change her legal name, then it would be more of a deal.

Even if it's 30+ "small credits", they are still credits that people in Hollywood have gotten to know her by.

It might not seem to be a big deal to you, but for a actress or actor trying to make a name for themselves, they really don't want to throw in a name change and start over. A name change would mean no, "That name sounds familiar, where have I seen them before?" When decisions are being made on cast selections.

And I would also guess, the majority of people outside of family and friends of other actresses, probably don't know their legal last name if they are married as well.

Most wives of players, fans don't know their name. The fans will just point them out as "Oh that's so and so's wife."


Pink, HockeyKev is right. As a Hollywood agent, I can tell you that almost no one changes the named that they've been billed by after working 7 or 8 years. Noureen DeWulf is an established name and every casting person in Los Angeles knows her. I have no idea what her relationship with her ex-husband is, but to change her name to Noureen Miller for billing purposes would be a giant leap backwards. Also, Noureen DeWulf is a sexy name. Noureen Miller is much less so, and Noureen Ahmed would alienate the part of the population that hates Barack Obama. ;-)


You get registered with one name and it's a real PITA to change it and branding wise its suicide.
