MovieChat Forums > Jonah Hill Discussion > I love how badly his success pisses peop...

I love how badly his success pisses people off!

It's brilliant. I also love how most of the comments are about his looks. Clearly he has talent. Obviously comparisons to him and Seth Rogan are absurd. Face it, most of you don't like him because he stars in "stupid" comedies and don't feel he should be allowed to make serious movies.

Oh my, what a marvellous tune.


Is that you Jonah?


He's overrated, and he's not funny


He's ok, I don't hate him or anything.
But about his looks(!), I must say, his wrists are freakishly tiny.
It's odd looking.


I actually like him in serious roles. I think he's terrible in comedies. The only time I ever thought he was halfway funny was in 21 Jumpstreet. To me, he's always the least funny in whatever movie he's in. But he seems to like doing those types of movies and other people love them so I don't see him doing anything else for the foreseeable future.


If he had started his career with serious movies and two Oscar nods, he would have been a respected actor now, no matter what he chose to star in. This business is funny that way. But I guess there are people who still see him as the guy from Superbad and are unable to see past that. Personally, I think he's talented, but he can also be a bit annoying in his most over the top comedies, so I guess I can see where his haters are coming from.


I will no longer pay money to see this phoney, fake, mean piece of trash in any movie he is in. His career is over. Homophobic bully.
