MovieChat Forums > Jonah Hill Discussion > I really wanted to like this guy

I really wanted to like this guy

But as I watch more movies with him in it I'm starting to see no talent and a self-absorbed side to this guy. He seems to be too self-aware of the moment of fame he's in as he's playing whatever part he's playing. It's like a constant reminder that he's acting and he's sooo fvcking giddy to be lucky enough to be in that spot. It detracts from the ability for me to suspend myself when involved with his character(s). He may have his funny moments, maybe, but as far as Ed Harris talent, hell fvcking no. There does seem to be a new clique in Hollywood, a new Rat Pack if you will, let's call them the Young Jew Can-Do Crew. And they seem to promote one another, somehow using this leverage from their secured fame and money to wedge themselves higher and higher in the industry, supporting and producing each other's stuff, bouncing the profits off of each other to climb the entertainment ladder. Is that wrong? Sh!t, if it works for ya I guess not but still, I feel this is the only reason why these guys are getting so much face time. Otherwise it would be more like the 80's music one hit wonders, here one day and gone the next. Maybe if they started writing and acting in some truly emotional mind bending gut wrenching plots it could do some good in turning their slap-happy, cornball, non-funny work around.

The Adult Swim crowd is another group. They feed off of one another, self-promoting. I believe these two groups to overlap in more than one area. The difference with Seth Macfarlane is that he's actually funny as hell and extremely intelligent. Watch him on some serious political interviews on CNN to see what I mean. That group has much more talent and rightfully finds there place in the entire turning wheel of the industry. But this Young Jew Can-Do Crew is just a miserable failure, film after film, in my opinion.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed this! Too many actors are so excited to be in front of the camera that it ruins the scene they're playing! And of course now we find out he's a bigot as well.
