MovieChat Forums > Jonah Hill Discussion > Delicate people.....

Delicate people.....

Oh how delicate people can be. Now I know some people just love to get all flustered, but c'mon people. There's actual pieces of sh!t in 'Hollywood' that deserve our 'focus'. Let me remind you, that while Mr. Hill's comment was upsetting to some, and rightfully so, we STILL have little disrespectful turds out there like.... Justin Bieber running around TRYING to piss people off with their 'comments' and actions. Mr. Hill (I believe) simply said something inconsiderate. Like we all haven't? I'm a combat vet, I say inconsiderate sh!t all the time. And usually find myself apologizing. But that's just life.


Yep. Agreed. People are too sensitive


And you have no friends to show for it, right?


Justin Bieber running around TRYING to piss people off with their 'comments' and actions.
Ahem. I think you mean Mr. Bieber is running around TRYING to piss people off.


I 'meant' exactly what I said.


Well, my good sir, I really don't think it's fair for you to prefix Mr. Hill's name with Mr. and not Mr. Bieber's as well. Show some love. Show some respect.


Hahahahaha. Respect? Hahaha. I have a 1911 that would love to show you and that little puke Justin 'respect'. Then again, I'm not a liberal pu$$y piece of sh!t like yourself.


You doubt Justin Bieber's power?!


Actually, unlike some of you that live in sheltered, retarded and over-sensitive liberal utopia's, most people outside of that can take jokes and don't get that offended. It's just you liberal pussies.
