MovieChat Forums > Jonah Hill Discussion > Watched the TMZ clip...Good lord... was ...

Watched the TMZ clip...Good lord... was that it?

Finally got around to watching the clip... okay - it's a bad word - but based on the apology I saw last night - and all the coverage I thought I was going to see a Mel Gibson level crazy rant...

He said something quick and stupid in the heat of the moment - dumb, but it doesn't warrant the attention and damnation it's getting.


Agreed. It was an ill-thought comment spouted in frustration and it's been blown out of proportion. Now he's being portrayed as a hate monger, and because he's a genuinely nice dude, he feels like sht about the whole thing - hence the profusive apologizing.


LOL "genuinely nice dude" ...I suppose you think the KKK is "genuinely nice" too! This guy is only in movies because he has friends in the movie industry!


Wow you shouldn't compare some actor you dislike to a klansman. I would say you must be ten, but that would mean you've been typing on IMDb straight out of the womb. You're probably an adult, and that's sad.


What about the gay paparazzi, did he have to apologize from the hetero community? Of course not.


The gay paparazzi?! That's one I haven't heard about before... Do they ride around in leather and rainbow spandex?


That's right, the way you probably use the N word when you get p*ssed off about something. Bigots always support bigots!


That's right, the way you probably use the N word when you get p*ssed off about something.
Actually - no. But thanks for the uninformed and ignorant judgment, dumbass.

You don't have to be a bigot to recognize that we all say things and have moments where we are less than we should be... at least that's true for most of us - probably not you because you're perfect.


Finally someone has acknowledged the fact that I am perfect! I've waited all my life for this moment!
