MovieChat Forums > Jonah Hill Discussion > how did this untalented *beep* get into ...

how did this untalented *beep* get into mainstream movies

There are genuinely talented people waiting in line to score some kind of role in a movie but Jonah Hill, the complete opposite of someone with versatility, integrity, character and talent ends up on the big screen in mainstream movies. This is truly bizzaro world or some joke of a universe that we're living in.

My friends and everyone they know make it a point to not watch any movie with Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Shia Lebouf, Michael Cera and the rest of the talentless hacks of this awful generation.

I mean, Ben Stiller and Adam Sandler made it a thing to be the same person in every movie and while they also suck, there's still a little charm and at least you can laugh at (not with) them.

Jonah Hill and the gang are so bad that you can't even laugh at them. It's more of an ambient feeling of disgust and remorse when watching anything with him in it. If it weren't for the great actors in Megamind, he would have sunk that movie.

Jonah hill deserves nothing. Nothing.


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Jonah may not be the greatest actor in the century, I'd admit that... But I totally disagree with the rest on your "Bad-actors" list!!!! Some of those actors even preformed in my favourite movies.

Seth Rogen - The Green Hornet and he's a great scriptwriter too...
Shia Lebouf - Transformers, Disdurbia (He friggin' made out with Megan Fox, doesn't that say enought?...) and he's hot as hell aswell...
Even Michael Cera got good movies in his baggage - Scott Pilgrim!!!

So STOP HATIN' and shove it up in your misfortune as*!


You made me want to cry!


"Seth Rogen - The Green Hornet and he's a great scriptwriter too... "

oh my god...


"Seth Rogen - The Green Hornet and he's a great scriptwriter too..."

Please leave the internet.

"I need about tree-fitty."


Christ you're dumb. How does making out with hammer-thumb make him a good actor?

What do you mean they blew up the Death Star? Who's THEY? What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?


This all started when moviegoers chose to go see crap like “Napoleon Dynamite” and “Teh Blair Witch Project.”

Shia was very good in “Holes”, though.
My vote history:

