MovieChat Forums > Justin Baldoni Discussion > I am turned off by his homophobic religi...

I am turned off by his homophobic religion

I was watching the Jane the Virgin when I learnt that this actor is an active member of a homophobic religion (Bahá'í Faith). Honestly that's something I can't get over. I couldn't even look at him anymore. I know that people are entitled to their beliefs but I wonder if any other minority would enjoy watching a show with an actor who believes they're an abomination. I can't get over this, it ruined my enjoyment of the show.


Well, that's a turn off indeed :((( He seemed so nice.


So he's the hater?? Just because he doesn't agree with you doesn't mean he has treated anyone badly. I doubt his list of projects would be as long as it is if he is homophobic in any way. Co-exist, baby!


care to elaborate? baha'i faith is more tolerant to homosexuals than the abrahamic religions:

"Bahá'í teachings state that Bahá'ís should not treat homosexual people as condemned outcasts, nor expect people who are not Bahá'í to follow Bahá'í laws.[13] The Bahá'í writings teach adherents to treat everyone with respect and dignity, and an attitude of discrimination and social intolerance toward homosexuals is not supported by the Bahá'í teachings.[9][14][15]"


They don't condone or approve of it, so yeah, it's homophobic. It may tolerate queer people but that's not good enough for me. Either way, I don't think a person's religion is always a good indicator that they are homophobic. They do not have to agree with everything their religion says. There will always be people who are homophobic regardless of whether or not they're religious.


He plays a gay guy in the Adam and Eve commercial. If he were really homophobic, there is no way he would have played that role.




What ARE you talking about? The Bahai religion is actually one the most tolerant faiths out there. Of course like EVERY other Abrahamic religion, it doesnt explicitly say homosexuality is cool. But it doesn't cast judgment on the behavior as a "sin" either. It simply says that it's a matter between the believer and God.


You clearly lack an understanding of what homophobia is....

dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.

The religion clearly states that they accept and tolerate everyone, and would even allow homosexuals in their faith. Please don't spread ignorance 😇
