MovieChat Forums > Dustin Milligan Discussion > whoa hes from northwest territories?

whoa hes from northwest territories?

wow those people have some strange accents. wonder why he doesnt have one.


Riiight. Have you ever actually met someone from up there? He isn't an Inuit.


Yeah, what are you on about? Unless their first language isn't english, most people from the northwest territories don't have strange accents, we all sound about the same as people from Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan... No weird accents...

"Perfection is Imperfection" -Matthew Gray Gubler


I have. I live in BC, and have met a lot actually when I travel up North for my summers. Don't be so presumptuous to assume I don't know what I'm talking about.


You must not travel much. There is a distinct difference between the prairie accents and western BC- just like how there is a distinct difference between a Northern Ontario accent and Northwest Territory accent. Canada is a vast country, and it would be impossible for our accents to not be different.
