MovieChat Forums > Andy Samberg Discussion > Saw Andy on the street and a wierd thing...

Saw Andy on the street and a wierd thing happened...

My wife and I were walking in Greenwhich Village today and we Saw Andy which is kind of a coincidence as he recently viewed a property I had listed. That being said as he was walking toward us when a guy infront of us reached over and tapped Andy on the shoulder to say hi as if they were friends and such. Andy just kind of walked it off but it really blows me away how strangers are so quick to invite themselves into the private space of "celebreties". I guess that's the price they pay.


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Oh boohoo.

What's the big fecking deal?

Someone tapped him on the shoulder you say. So fecking what? It's hardly a big deal.


I thought you were gonna say that you jizzed in your pants

we don't need no education
yes you do, you've just used a double negative


I thought (s)he was gonna say Andy punched them in the face as they were about to eat a sandwich.

Know that, thank you, next question.
The Nameless Guy.


haha me too.


I was expecting you to say that you threw him on the ground and were not a part of his system.

Then why did Sarah Jessica Parker's butt-cheese end up in Scrotie's milkshake?


If someone I didn't know tapped me on the shoulder, I would rip off his arm.
