MovieChat Forums > Jack Huston Discussion > Boardwalk Empire, Season 4 Finale (Spoil...

Boardwalk Empire, Season 4 Finale (Spoilers)

I was heartbroken when Richard Harrow died; he was one of the best characters on the show.


He's busy doing movies..has 3 this year


really hoping that he gets huge...much more than just another pretty face

what he did with the harrow character was beyond amazing


such a shame that Richard died :-( but it's good to see that Jack has plenty of projects lined up post Boardwalk Empire




I enjoy the show, but since the end of the Margaret/Nucky and then Margaret/Owen relationships, I have to say that Harrow was the only character I have been really invested in. I understand and agree with the logic behind killing him off when and how they did, but I'm not sure I'll be as interested going forward in what happens.


completely agree, which is odd since it seems most fans of the show could care less about margaret


Agreed, he brought such beauty and depth to his character


He made Richard fascinating, human, deadly, flawed, tender, so many facets to that tragic personality. I really wanted him to go home to Wisconsin. Looking forward to great things from Jack. His Jack Kerouac is wonderful!
