MovieChat Forums > Danneel Ackles Discussion > A Review of Danneel Ackles New Show 'Fri...

A Review of Danneel Ackles New Show 'Friends with Benefits' benefits-the-tv-show-2011/

Feedback Please? -My Film Review Blog-


I enjoyed your review. Good job!


Thank You :) -My Film Review Blog-


I liked your review, it was very optimistic and sweet yet still very honest. I enjoyed some of the words you used (like surreal- def surreal to see a guy who actually thinks giving someone AN ACTUAL HORSE is romantic and not consider`other important details such as practicality in upkeep and living costs. It's NEVER good when a guy rushes). I think your psychoanalysis of the characters was spot-in but I'm not sure that the looks of some characters make it believable that they could be so "desperate." Your I felt that your review seemed professional (I'm guessing your an amateur writer) although sweeter than most prof reviews (more like a fan review I guess). Excellent job! (Unless your trying to be a critic because I think your supposed to be more pompous and dissect more and picky...I prefer fan reviews to critic reviews anyway. I watch a movie or tv show to enjoy it, not to study it.

Professional Cult Addict: SUPERNATURAL 2. Buffy/Angel-New 3.Xena- Nostalgic


Thank you for your response I try my best to put things across as best I can and you are right I am an amateur writer but I also write exactly what I think and my true opinion; I don't like to slag things off for the sake of it. Thanks again and glad you enjoyed my analysis/review and hope something else I've written in my blog has taken your interest. -My Film Review Blog-


I might use your blog to find good OLD movies if you review them. Right now I just watch the new movies in theaters all the time that my friend/family might like based on an actor's previous genre work or the genre itself....

I'm not much of a movie watcher at all, I prefer tv but there is very little good on tv worth putting the effort into but I try and watch some films on Netflix and I get bored in the 1st 5 minutes and don't know if it's worth wasting my time on.

If it weren't for my film class I wouldn't have known about other good movies such as Amelie (started off really slow though), CK, Casablanca, Pan's Labryinth, the Usual Suspects.

Movies don't take up as much time, so hopefully I can go from an avid favTV show (depending) watcher to a movie watcher.

I'll keep it in on my bookmark for when I'm bored to try and find something but I don't know how to "FOLLOW" blogs. :)

Professional Cult Addict: SUPERNATURAL 2. Buffy/Angel-New 3.Xena- Nostalgic


Thanks; I appreciate that and I do mainly review recent movies and TV shows but I will dabble into older stuff with my countdowns for instance or my Buffy nostalgia part of the blog and of course I will use intertextuality a lot. Thanks again for the support. -My Film Review Blog-
