MovieChat Forums > Danneel Ackles Discussion > Danneel Haters Please Read

Danneel Haters Please Read

I happened to stumble upon this message board by chance because I was looking up a movie Danneel was in. I started reading posts, and I have got to say some of you say the rudest things I have ever read. Before you start jumping to conclusions, I am NOT Danneel, her family, or friend, I do not know her, and I have never met her before. I am simply a fan of her and her husband. That being said, what is with all the hate? Why have you chosen to single her out specifically? What particularly bugs me is the comments on her having Botox (whether she has had or not I don’t know). If you are going to hate on her for a procedure that she may or may not have done, why not hate on Courtney Cox, Jennifer Anniston, and Nicole Kidman? All have clearly had some type of cosmetic procedure done, but you only seem to direct your hate towards Danneel. Why? Because she is a gorgeous woman with a gorgeous husband that you secretly want and fantasize about, and you hope that someday he will leave her for you? Wake up girls, that isn’t going to happen.

Also, why would someone make a big deal about her changing her last name? When a man and women get married, most generally the woman changes her last name. It has been going on for years. It doesn’t mean she is trying to use his last name to boast her career. Has anyone ever thought that maybe Jensen wanted her to change her last name? I’m sure it’s hard enough living across the country from her husband, only to read comments that she doesn’t love him and is only using him for her benefit. Why is it that girls must say such vicious things about others girls to make themselves feel better? Why can’t we be supportive of others? What message are we sending to our daughters, little sisters, and those young girls that look up to us? There is always going to be someone for whatever reason you won’t like, but that doesn’t mean you belittle them. Bottom line, whether it’s to your face or online words can hurt. Most of you are not old enough to realize the effect that you may have on someone else. It’s really sad that you girls have nothing better to do with your life than to say hurtful things. And it’s really sad, that I feel the need to sit here and defend a woman that I don’t even know because people are so rude.


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Because she comes across as very much up herself I'm afraid, as does Jensen to a certain extent.

Maybe I'm jealous but I don't dislike other beautiful celebs like I do her. She just comes across as arrogant and looks down on others to me.

I'm usually a good judge of character but it might just be my problem but I can't change how I perceive it I'm afraid?


No, you're right you can't help how you feel. But, what you can do is help the way in which you express those feelings. I don't think I am better than anyone else by writing that post, and I don't intend to be an Danneel/Jensen ass kisser either. It just upsets me when it's the year 2011, and we have not managed to get past this girl on girl hate. If we call some girl we don't like a bitch or a slut(not talking about her just any girl for that matter..and I never implied that you did)what message are we essentially sending out to guys? That it's okay to refer to women as bitches and sluts.


Thank you. I've certainly never called her a bitch, a slut etc... I just don't like the aura she gives off.

Believe me, at one time, I was absolutely obsessed with Jensen and could well have said those things but it would only make myself look ridiculous.

Females are a million times worse than men in being particularly nasty about each other, but we are much more insecure & sensitive, that's my take on it anyway.

The out-and-out jealousy & hate I'm sure this woman faces isn't pleasant, but hey, she's got what these girls hate her most for, Jensen, so I doubt she's losing any sleep over it. She can certainly handle herself from what I've seen.


I still believe everyone has the right to their own opinion. I'm not gonna lie I've been known to call out a person or two about being a bitch or a slut when I was younger...until I had the tables turned on myself and got branded the school whore by a couple of girls. It's def not a nice feeling to know that everyone around you is judging you & implying things just b/c of someone you have slept with...of course that was years ago. I could never be in the entertainment industry b/c the minute someone said something about me, I would be giving them my address & inviting them to come say it to my face LOL!


If you are going to hate on her for a procedure that she may or may not have done, why not hate on Courtney Cox, Jennifer Anniston, and Nicole Kidman?
If you had gone to the Kidman's board you would have seen how people mocked and belittled her. Hell someone even had a signature that said(paraphrase) NK should have received an Oscar for being able to show any emotion through all that botox
All I know is that Danneel isn't the only one who has those kinds of messages on her board. Maybe some do want Jensen and that's why they are so vicious. But I don't think not liking her acting automatically equals wanting to screw her husband or enjoying her movies means sucking up to her.
I only saw "The Back-up Plan" where she appeared for like 10 minutes or so. The only reason I went was beacause of Alex O'Loughlin. I like the guy and even I can admit that he isn't the greatest actor ever. As for Danneel, in all honesty, I can't say if she is any good. I need to see more of her to form an opinion. I'm tempted to search for TIH because I have not seen Jensen either(Supernatural excluded) and I am curious about his range as well.


Wow,I did not know that about the Nicole Kidman board. I don't really surf around much on this site. In all honesty,I was trying to figure out when the movie Mardi Gras was supposed to come out and thats how I stumbled on this board. I never saw the Backup Plan. I started to watch it but then i thought no I can't watch just seemed so cliche girl gets pregnant then meets guy of her dreams. Ten Inch Hero is actually pretty good and I was surprised by that. If you haven't seen the movie Devour,I wouldn't waste my time. I'm sorry I think Jensen is a really good actor,but that was some bad acting going on. My Bloody Valentine was a really good movie,he plays crazy very well.

Anywho,that being said if I would have been on the Nicole Kidman site,I would have said the same thing. What is up with all the girl on girl hate? Women have come so far,just to get a step backward. Why not channel that negative energy into something positive and beneficial? Just a bit of advice for real life: the girl that you may call a bitch or a whore might not have such a good home life. You never know what someone else is going through until you have lived their life.


You have an unusual obsession with girl on girl hate. It's not just a girl thing to hate needles cosmetic surgeries that promote filling your face with poison to try and hold onto your youth.

If male actors have extreme botox they are also viewed with the same negativity.

It has nothing to do with gender so I don't really see why you are trying to have a Mean Girls moment and turn it into a feminist issue.

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