Hartford lol

Haha I live on the outskirts of Hartford in a town Farmington. It's a crap city with a bad schooling system, though it's very cultural! I'm glad she managed to make it somewhere coming from Hartford.

There IS a difference.A whole world of "eh's"and"oot and aboot"and"soorry"
difference.And moose!


Farmington is a nice town. What do YOU consider a nice town in CT?


ansonia lol jk good football team


Are you saying that Farmington or Hartford is a crap city? I have always thought Farmington is beautiful.


well it sounds like she didn't really come from there though right? she was just born there, but grew up in tx? of course some would say the same thing about texas (not me, but some people)


I grew up in Branford and it's a pretty small town. The center looks like sesame street with the green trash cans and light poles
