MovieChat Forums > Jenna Dewan Discussion > Does she have a chance at a legitimate c...

Does she have a chance at a legitimate career???

I've been a fan of her since Step Up, but she hasn't gone anywhere in status. The people who know her really, are Channing fans and seem like they either like her by proxy or hate her by that. Now she is beautiful and can act decently, I don't know she needs to have new management because its like all her movies seem to go to DVD or don't come out from what I've seen. She is much more talented then Megan Fox, or Kristen Stewert, Ashley Tisdale and others. She will be 30 next year and she needs a REAL BREAK OUT ROLE. She looks younger then WHAT she is, so that is a good thing, and I don't care if she does more dancing movies but she needs something out in theaters and something big.

I think she be great in some of the roles there giving to Katherine Heigl. She is about the same age as her and just as beautiful. She could even try TV. You NEVER know whats going to be a hit. Rather its on NBC, TBS, ABC whatever. I think her doing a dramady tv show or crime/medical drama that would take over for shows that have gotten bad like "THe Office" and "Greys Anatomy and that won't be on for much longer like "Desperate Housewives". She needs something like that to get her on the map, that would lead to commercials (Kinda like Eva Longeria who didnt get her big break till 30) and movies.

Her just walking behind Channing, is going to get old for one of them. Watch. Stuff like that never lasts. When they first met they were on equal footing, actually she had done more then him because she was a dancer on Janet and Justin Timberlakes tour. Now he is this BIG up and comer, and she will be left behind. She is D list. I think a TV show is the best way to go, because its steady and she can do movies. I like to see her maybe in some Judd Apatow movie like "Knocked Up" "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" something that would put her ON THE MAP.

What do u guys think?


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My opinion is Jenna's acting is pretty poor. The girls you named can't act either but what they have is a look. Plus, they are all much younger than her. Megan Fox is insanely attractive. Jenna Dewan is average at best. I think she would do better on television as well. At least she would have steady work. She is aiming to high if she is trying to be a leading lady. She doesn't have the look or acting chops. All she'll ever get is C list movies and costar roles in B list movies if she continues on like this.


and yet Megan Fox is getting leads in major movies. You think if Jenna was that good she'd be a major movie star by now.

Oh and I love how you can't have a civilized conversation without insulting a person. You must think a large percent of the population and Hollywood is retarded as well because they obviously think she's attractive.


i dont think her age got anything to do with it. come one she's 28 not 48. maybe she needs a better agent. who knows? the only major movie that megan fox has the lead in that i know of, is transformers.
But yeah her husbands career is taking of..

Can't wait to be in LA
rob zombie's dickriders will love h2


I don't want to start sounding like Megan's publicist because like I said I don't think she can act any better than Jenna, but she has 2 movies coming out. I had no idea about Jenna's age. She looks older in the face to me so I thought she was in her 30's.


Megan Fox has had surgery and botox.

Plus even Megan said she was lucky to get the transformers role and the director made her audtion by cleaning his car in a bikini.


Although I think she is very pretty, I don't think she can act at all. My husband and I are currently watching "Step Up" and it is almost painful.

Mulder: Nobody likes a math geek, Scully.


Both Megan Fox and Jenna are not more than decent actors. The difference is that MEgan has a stronger screen presence whereas Jenna is almost invisible. Also Jenna is beautiful, but that is not enough to make it big in Hollywood. What you need is a distinctive look that sets you apart from all the other hotties trying out for a role. What she needs to do is take some acting classes and do some pretty ot pictures woth FHM or GQ, after all that's basically how Megan got Transformers.
